Want to Be a Celeb? Get a Smile Makeover in Manhattan

smile makeover in manhattanEvery day, people come to New York City hoping to get their start in entertainment, film, news, modeling, or theatre. For so many, the concern is that they don’t look right. Too thin, too heavy. Too exotic, too traditional. Too normal, not normal enough. Your teeth play a role in the success or failure of your entertainment career. A smile makeover can be the element that gets you noticed, cast, and in front of audiences. A smile can make or break your celeb status.

7 male celebrities who owe their smiles to cosmetic dentistry >>

Make Your Star Shine Brighter with a Smile Makeover in Manhattan

Certainly, there are celebrities who have made a name for themselves by not getting their broken-down smiles repaired with cosmetic dentistry. However, these success stories are quite rare. Not everyone is Steve Buscemi. (How he must tire of being the poster child for “celebs with bad teeth.”)

You know when your look isn’t winning you the roles you want, landing you auditions, or booking your next gig. You may have even had a talent agent, manager, or casting director specifically tell you to get something done with your teeth if you want to make a name for yourself. Your social media selfies may even get more likes with a better smile.

The only problem is, you may not know exactly where to start or, for the starving artist, what you can afford. Every aesthetic complaint is achievable – with financing plans and reasonable payments, you can get a stunning smile makeover, and the career to go with it. You will never regret the investment you make in your smile, especially if you’re banking on your appearance to pay your bills.

Are people talking about your bad teeth? >>

Smile Solutions That Have a Starring Role

Whether you want a Julia Roberts smile or a grin like The Rock, there is a cosmetic dentistry solution to suit your needs, and your budget.

The ultimate quick fixer-upper, a professional teeth whitening treatment makes even crooked teeth look better. As long as your teeth are shining bright, it may not matter if they’re flawless. In fact, some models and actors have made their names by unapologetically retaining the gap between their front teeth.

Teeth whitening methods approved by your Manhattan cosmetic dentist >>

If you take a look at before-and-after pics of celebs – you know, before they were famous (wonky teeth) and after they became famous (amazing teeth). Denzel Washington and Catherine Zeta Jones are just two examples of celebs who have megawatt smiles – but they weren’t born that way. Porcelain veneers are the smile makeover of choice for celebs who want their teeth aligned, lengthened, and to look naturally perfect. (Plus, you don’t have to be a celeb to pay for veneers!)

Famous fathers with notable smiles >>

Ultimately, your Manhattan cosmetic dentist will help you determine what the best and most economical solution is for your oral health needs and career goals. If you have chipped, misaligned, stained, cracked, or missing teeth, there is a dental fix that will help you play the new and improved role of yourself.

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Look Like a Celebrity to Become a Celeb

Celebrities are made at all ages. Whether you’re an 18-year-old high school graduate or a Baby Boomer finally pursuing that dream of getting on TV, a smile makeover is an option for you. You can pursue not only an amazing career in New York City, but you can transform your appearance and self-confidence with a new smile.

Conveniently located in Midtown, Dr. Michael J. Wei’s Manhattan cosmetic dentistry practice provides NYC smile makeovers every day. Stars are born in his dental office on Madison Avenue. Find out how to improve your beauty shots, your calling card, your first impressions – make an appointment with Dr. Michael J. Wei to discuss your many smile makeover options.