Skip the Halloween Fangs – Get a Real Smile Makeover

smile makeover halloween fake teeth nyc dr michael j weiHave you purchased fake Halloween teeth to cover up your own teeth for a Halloween costume? Did you buy the teeth because they’re an integral part of your ensemble, or did you get the teeth to distract from your own broken-down smile? If it’s the latter, it’s time to consider upgrading your smile permanently with a smile makeover.

Whiten Up

Vampire teeth are bright white and brilliant – and, except for the fangs, they’re a pretty sweet set of teeth to have. You can get your own flawless white teeth with cosmetic dentistry.

If you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening, in about an hour you can have a smile that is multiple times whiter, and the results will last for years with proper brushing and flossing and dental visits. Surface stains or stains that have been ground in can be blasted away with professional-grade bleaching materials.

When whitening won’t work for your teeth because they’re naturally yellowish, you have thin enamel, or the teeth have been damaged and permanently discolored, you need a different kind of intervention for white results. Porcelain veneers can conceal what you don’t love about your smile, including stains and discoloration.

Cosmetic tooth bonding is less costly and less invasive than veneers. In a brief dental visit, your NYC cosmetic dentist can prep, apply, bond, shape, and polish your tooth so that it is flawless and looks natural.

Move Beyond Fake Teeth

If you’re living with fake teeth every day – dentures – and they’re making life harder rather than easier, talk to your New York City restorative dentist about dental implants. Dental implants look natural, feel natural, and fill in the holes in your smile – without the need for adhesives, without covering the palate, and without fear that they’ll shift out of place.

A titanium post is surgically implanted in the jawbone and a prosthetic tooth is attached to it for a permanent tooth replacement. This can be done in multiple ways. Implants can replace one tooth, or several implants can be placed along the entire upper or lower jaw to replace multiple teeth at one time.

Bottom line: Implants complete smiles permanently, so you can smile, speak, and chomp into every Halloween candy you love without worrying about the consequences.

Fake teeth are important in dentistry – but they must be done well so they look like real teeth. An experienced Midtown cosmetic dentist is just the person to make build your new smile.

Upgrade Your Smile Permanently

You can expand your costume options permanently with a customized smile makeover. Whatever cosmetic complaints you have, Dr. Michael J. Wei will develop a plan to give you an amazing, natural-looking smile. Not a ghost of your old dental problems will remain, you’ll look better than you ever have, and you’ll feel confident every day of the year. No more hiding behind costumes on Halloween or on any other holiday.

And remember to take it easy on the Halloween candy. Even when your teeth look good, you can still get cavities! Schedule an appointment at Dr. Wei’s Madison Avenue office in Midtown Manhattan.