7 Questions Patients Have About Microthin and Prepless Veneers

prepless veneers microthin dr michael j. weiMicrothin and prepless veneers are made of incredibly thin porcelain, designed to fit seamlessly over natural teeth while eliminating the need for any enamel removal. Should you want to reverse the procedure later you can, but who would want to say goodbye to a stunning smile makeover? If you have questions about whether this cosmetic dentistry treatment is right for you, read on.

1. How long does it take to get Microthin veneers?

Whether you are getting Microthin veneers or prepless veneers, these treatments typically take two visits to your Manhattan cosmetic dentist. The preparation of your teeth and the design of the veneers takes one visit. The application of the porcelain shields takes a second visit.

2. Does “prepless” really mean no prep?

Prepless means minimal prep, especially in comparison to traditional porcelain veneers that requires the permanent removal of tooth enamel to get teeth prepared for the porcelain. For prepless veneers, teeth are cleaned and sanded to remove any surface imperfections, so nothing interferes with the porcelain shields. No shots and no drills are necessary. It’s a minimally invasive procedure.

3. Can veneers really fix my dental problems?

Veneers are designed to conceal everything you dislike about your smile. From chips to discoloration to misalignment to gaps, no-prep veneers go on top of your natural teeth and cover up all the imperfections for a complete smile makeover.

4. How do I know veneers will look right on me?

No matter what kind of veneers you’re interested in, this cosmetic dentistry procedure is an investment. You have every right to be concerned about results and want to know ahead of time what you’ll look like. Our Smile Design technology allows Dr. Wei to alter an image of you to look like you already have veneers. You can take this photo home, post it to social media, think about it for as long as you need to before you say yes to a smile makeover.

5. What parts of the veneers are customized?

Everything about your Microthin veneers or prepless veneers are customized. From the color to the length, shape to translucency, your NYC cosmetic dentist considers all elements to create a meticulously customized cosmetic smile makeover. Your skin tone, age, facial features, face shape, bone structure and more are accounted for when designing the ideal, symmetrical new smile that looks natural.

6. Will I look like a different person?

We hope you come out of your veneer procedure feeling and looking like the very best version of yourself. You shouldn’t need any sort of an adjustment period to get used to your veneers – though we understand if you can’t help but look in every reflective surface for a while to admire yourself. The goal is to make veneers look and feel natural from go, so you can eat, speak, and especially smile without any concerns.

7. Where should I go for prepless veneers?

Creating and placing prepless and Microthin veneers is an art form, and you should only work with a dentist who is educated and experienced in this procedure. Dr. Michael J. Wei, NYC cosmetic dentist, fits that bill and is ready to learn more about you, your smile goals, and how he can help you achieve the perfect smile. Submit a Smile Virtual request to receive a personalized video message from Dr. Wei or schedule a visit at his Midtown Manhattan dental office.