Featured Smile Makeover: Invisible to Visible Teeth

stunning smile makeover patriciaEvery once in a while, a dental patient comes along with a request for a seemingly impossible smile makeover. However, the before and after photos of their stunning transformation make it clear exactly how much really is possible in the hands of an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist. Patricia is one example of how Dr. Michael J. Wei’s expertise can turn a lackluster smile into a showstopper.

Patricia’s Invisible Teeth

Patricia visited Dr. Wei because she was tired of not having any teeth showing when she smiled. No matter how hard she tried, there was little to no tooth enamel visible, which made her look like her smile wasn’t genuine or that she simply wasn’t all that happy about anything. At times, her attempt to smile made her look like she was in pain.

Patricia visited several dentists who told her they couldn’t help her or that porcelain crowns were her only option. She didn’t want this solution. For six months, Patricia researched cosmetic dentists and dentistry online and finally decided to visit Dr. Wei for minimal prep veneers, traveling to NYC from out of state. She wanted an effective treatment that wasn’t as invasive as other dental procedures.

Patricia C Composite Before Smile Makeover 540x1015A Customized Veneer Smile Makeover

Over the years, Patricia’s teeth had worn down and her top arch was barely revealed when she smiled. Worn-out teeth have many potential solutions and consulting with a NYC cosmetic dentist is the first step to finding out what will work best for you and your oral health so you can get a smile that looks good, feels good, and functions properly.

Veneers were all Patricia needed. Over the course of three visits, Dr. Wei did some serious smile magic which included:

  • Opening the bite
  • Lengthening the teeth
  • Widening the smile
  • Avoiding all jaw and lip surgery

Through the customization and careful application of 12 porcelain veneers and 16 onlay veneers, Dr. Wei created a bigger and broader smile that shows off Patricia’s beautiful teeth.

The Magic of Porcelain Veneers

Veneers come in various forms. Minimal veneers, also known as prepless veneers, are a coveted smile makeover treatment because they do not require a massive alteration to the natural tooth enamel underneath. The no-prep veneers are very thin and fit flawlessly over the teeth for a natural-looking transformation.

All veneers though, offer the incredible benefits of concealing cosmetic complaints, from stains to misalignment, while also making a smile wider, bigger, brighter, and more appealing. Lips get slightly bumped out and fine lines around the mouth are minimized for a more youthful look. It’s not just your teeth that are transformed, it’s your entire appearance.

Get a NYC Smile Makeover from Dr. Wei

Patricia’s life has been positively and permanently altered because of her smile makeover. You too can feel good about yourself in the mirror and in the presence of family, friends, and coworkers when you pursue a customized smile transformation. Submit a Smile Virtual consult or schedule a consultation with Dr. Wei to find out what’s possible for you.