Featured Smile Makeover: From Self-Conscious to Confident with Minimal Prep Veneers

kelly smile makeover minimal prep veneersEveryone wants to look their best, but many people feel like they never reach 100% when their teeth make them feel self-conscious. Patient Kelly was unhappy with the aesthetics of her smile and finally turned to the expertise of Dr. Michael J. Wei who found the right smile makeover formula for her using minimal prep veneers.

Why Kelly Needed a Smile Makeover

Kelly’s teeth were discolored, misaligned, stained, and short. She had plenty of elements to complain about in her smile and she was daunted about finding a way to transform her teeth. One NYC cosmetic dentistry treatment from Dr. Wei made all the difference: minimal prep porcelain veneers. With this customized treatment, the many problems with her smile disappeared, including:

  • Discolored enamel
  • Misalignment
  • Tooth stains
  • Short teeth
  • Worn down dental bonding
  • Unnatural-looking restorations
  • Not proportional teeth
  • Narrow upper arch

Kelly W Composite After Smile Makeover 540x1015Kelly W Composite Before Smile Makeover 540x1015Making Magic with Minimal Prep Veneers

To give Kelly the stunning smile makeover she craved, Dr. Wei used 12 upper minimal prep veneers. “She wanted a fuller, whiter, straighter smile and longer teeth,” said Dr. Wei, and he delivered with a broad smile and complete transformation. “Kelly is very happy with her new smile and this transformation is now brighter, more balanced, and definitely a confidence booster.”

Some facts to know about minimal prep veneers:

  • Versatile: Veneers cover up the unsightly parts of a person’s smile and are carefully made to look natural in color, shape, size, and length. Whatever cosmetic issue you have with your smile, low-prep veneers can make all the difference.
  • Non-invasive: For anyone who has ever wanted a smile makeover but worried about the removal of tooth enamel in the veneer process, minimal prep veneers eliminate this concern. Other than cleaning and light sanding, natural teeth are unchanged and veneers fit over them to create a new look.
  • Combo-ready: Veneers are often combined with other treatments such as laser gum therapy which removes excess gum tissue to reveal more enamel, and professional teeth whitening, which is used on the bottom teeth to match the brightness of the new upper veneers. Veneers are a smile makeover all by themselves or when blended with other cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatments to create a healthy, beautiful smile.

All Good Things in a Smile Makeover

Kelly did a fantastic video testimonial praising Dr. Wei and showing how amazing and natural her smile makeover looks. She emphasizes how the people around her can’t pinpoint exactly what the difference is in her appearance but notice something. A natural look and feel is exactly what this patient wanted and positive energy and improved confidence came along with it.

“I appreciate your honesty, and your sheer joy was a true testament to the hard work and effort I put into designing your smile,” says Dr. Wei. “Kelly, your smile looks absolutely amazing and I thank you very much for sharing your experience and giving me the title of ‘Dr. Fabulous!’”

View the before and after photos of Kelly’s transformation in Dr. Wei’s Smile Gallery, or on Instagram @DrMikeWei. Then contact Dr. Wei yourself to schedule a consultation or request a free video consult.