Be Your Own Valentine: Choose Prepless Veneers

prepless veneers smile makeover valentine dr michael j wei nyc cosmetic dentistWhether you’re coupled up or on your own on Valentine’s Day, this holiday is a good excuse to do something good for yourself. Be your own valentine, especially if you’re unhappy with your smile. By choosing prepless veneers – and any procedures that boost how they look – you’ll give your appearance and mental wellness the long-lasting boost it deserves.

Start with the Basics

When you visit your NYC cosmetic dentist about improving your smile, the first step is to discuss what you dislike about your teeth and how you want them to look. This could occur as an online Smile Virtual submission first, where you submit an explanation of your circumstances and receive a personalized video response. This gives patients time to consider the smile makeover their cosmetic dentist has suggested.

Smart Procedures Make Beautiful Change

Some patients need more than prepless veneers to upgrade their smile. Some of the most helpful accompaniments to veneers include:

  • Laser gum lift. If your smile complaints include short teeth or excess gum tissue, a laser gum lift is a customized, permanent solution with immediate results. Unwanted gum tissue is lasered away to create a bigger smile, even more impressive once veneers are in place.
  • Teeth whitening. Since veneers are usually done on the top teeth, to match the bottom teeth patients opt for professional teeth whitening. This ensures the entire smile is even and blends.
  • Porcelain crowns. Some teeth are functionally problematic or unhealthy, and putting a veneer on top of teeth like that will not help them. More in-depth treatment is necessary, which might mean a color-matched porcelain crown for a damaged, deteriorating, or infected tooth.

Personalized Prepless Veneers

Every prepless veneer procedure is wholly customized to the patient:

  • Teeth come in many shades – and so do veneers. Bright white isn’t the answer for everyone, a truth your cosmetic dentist will reveal as you test out different shades.
  • Many patients get veneers because they want to transform short teeth. Others need to get rid of previously poorly done veneers that are too large. The right size is what’s flattering to each.
  • Teeth are not just square, and they certainly aren’t all the same shape. The design can be rounded or square, feminine or masculine.
  • One of the most essential characteristics of veneers, translucency allows for reflected light on each piece of porcelain, making the smile makeover realistic.

The goal of a prepless veneer smile makeover is not simply to get white, celeb-worthy teeth – it’s to create a smile just right for you, that flatters face shape and skin tone and age. Natural-looking prepless veneers, crafted individually, are the answer to truly beautiful, realistic teeth.

Get a NYC Smile Makeover with Prepless Veneers

There is a solution for every smile problem, and prepless veneers might be your answer. Your teeth can be fully functional, feel great, and look stunning with patience and understanding from an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist. Request a free video consult today with Dr. Michael J. Wei or schedule an in-person consultation at his Midtown office. Learn how to love your smile.