Are You a Candidate for the NYC Smile Makeover You Want?

NYC smile makeover candidate Dr. Michael J. WeiSome dental patients are prepared for a major NYC smile makeover that includes cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry treatments. Some people envision themselves getting just one quick dental procedure that transforms their appearance. Both are possible, but where your case falls depends on your unique teeth. A smile makeover can be designed for everyone, but only your dentist can tell you for certain whether you’re a good candidate for the treatments you want.

When Teeth Whitening Isn’t the Answer

If you have stained teeth, you may assume that a professional teeth-whitening treatment will make the problem go away. You’ve probably already tried several over-the-counter products to whiten your smile on your own but without any luck. When DIY whitening treatments fail, it’s not always user error or a poor product. Most likely, it’s because your teeth cannot be completely whitened. Only your NYC cosmetic dentist can tell you for sure.

  • Professional whitening products are made with powerful bleaching agents, and if there is any chance that your tooth enamel can be whitened in this way, your dentist will recommend it.
  • The results are stunning and make even flawed teeth look perfect.
  • Your dentist will know quickly whether whitening is worth the time and investment for your smile.
  • It may be necessary to discuss other cosmetic dentistry treatments that can whiten teeth completely and permanently.

Upgrade Your NYC Smile Makeover

If teeth whitening isn’t in the cards, you’re not out of luck when it comes to a NYC smile makeover. There are other ways to whiten your smile and make edits that deliver beauty and perfection.

  • Prepless veneers are one of the best “compromises” when the most basic whitening measures aren’t strong enough to make a change.
  • Teeth that cannot be whitened need to have stains and discoloration covered up instead. The most effective way to do this is with customized porcelain veneers.
  • You’ll never again have to worry about stained or dull teeth when they’re covered by white, shining, natural-looking veneers.
  • Other imperfections are concealed too – from chips to cracks to gaps to overlapping teeth.
  • Upgrading from teeth whitening is a good thing and never a drawback.

What Else Is Possible?

If veneers aren’t in your budget or comfort zone, your dentist will make other NYC smile makeover recommendations that can address the cosmetic problems that make you self-conscious. You may find yourself considering:

  • Porcelain crowns: Any tooth can host a crown, from molars to front teeth, and these caps are carefully personalized to cover up whatever is wrong with the tooth in question.
  • Laser gum lift: If you have a gummy smile, the thing you might need most is simply more tooth enamel on display. This sophisticated but minimally intrusive technique makes your smile bigger and better.
  • Full-mouth reconstruction: Sometimes a smile needs more to correct it than you realize. This collection of procedures makes your teeth functional and beautiful once again so they look and feel great permanently.

Find out what kind of NYC smile makeover you’re a good candidate for. Submit a Smile Virtual consult or schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei.