Deconstructing Demi Moore’s Smile Makeover

demi moore smile makeover dr michael j weiWhen celebrities make a major physical change, the entertainment media notices. In most cases, the alterations are positive – they’re celebs after all and must look good. Actress Demi Moore is the latest addition to the pool of famous folks who have invested in a smile makeover. Her brilliant smile was likely created with a collection of smart, customized cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Demi’s Perfect White Teeth

Porcelain veneers are very likely the name of the game in Demi Moore’s smile makeover. The size, shape, and color of the teeth are quite even and cohesive, plus her teeth are simply upgraded from the smile she previously had.

Veneers not only deliver an attractive smile, they deliver a strong, white, symmetrical result. Thanks to the expertise of an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist, veneers are customized to the patient – celebrity or not – for a result that is gorgeous and natural-looking.

While some might say that Demi discovered the fountain of youth years ago, often looking younger now than she did when she was young (she’s 61), this smile makeover has contributed to her youthful appearance. Teeth have that power.

A Big, Beautiful Smile

While the teeth obviously take center stage when it comes to a smile makeover, there are other more subtle treatments that are often employed to help transform a person’s mouth and appearance. In Moore’s case, there is a good chance she underwent a laser gum lift. Here are some need-to-know details about the procedure:

  • Also known as gum contouring or laser gum surgery.
  • A minor surgery that uses a high-powered laser to reshape the gumline.
  • Removes excess gum tissue and makes more tooth enamel visible.
  • Minimizes the visibility of the top gums or evens them out.
  • Reshapes the gums to look smaller and more in proportion to the teeth.

A laser gum lift is often used in tandem with porcelain veneers so that there is an opportunity to place longer veneers and create a bigger and more pleasing smile makeover.

The Transformation of Stressed Teeth

In interviews and personal photos, Demi Moore has admitted to losing her two front teeth because of stress. She clenched her teeth so hard that she “knocked them out.” If anyone compares photos to Demi’s early days of success though, it’s clear that her natural smile was already updated with cosmetic dentistry, so it’s likely that the teeth she damaged were veneers or porcelain crowns.

In her defense, she thanked modern dentistry for repairing her smile and making it possible for her to smile on the red carpet every time she appears there. Now, hopefully she invested in a dental mouthguard to protect her new smile makeover from future problems.

Get a VIP Smile Makeover in Manhattan

Moore’s smile makeover took center stage at her recent appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival. Whether you have a big event coming up or not, if you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your teeth and how they make you look, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei at his office in Midtown Manhattan or submit a Smile Virtual request to discover the smile makeover that’s in your future.