4 Tricky Behaviors That Can Haunt a Smile Makeover

tricky behavior smile makeover dr michael j weiOnce you get a smile makeover, it’s so important to take care of your teeth. They’re beautiful, but they won’t stay beautiful all on their own. Whatever procedures you undergo, whether cosmetic or restorative, it’s essential to keep spooky things from haunting your stunning smile. Here are some of the habits and choices that can trick your teeth into a zombie-like grin.

1. Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Unconscious teeth grinding is a major oral health problem, and it can also damage cosmetic dentistry. If you grind and clench your teeth every night, you are far more likely to suffer from broken porcelain crowns or chipped veneers. Tooth enamel is incredibly strong, and so is the porcelain these restorations are made of, but the pressure of teeth on teeth is enough to destroy your smile makeover over time. Dental mouthguards are customized to the patient to protect teeth and smile upgrades.

2. Eating the Wrong Foods

Yes, you can eat whatever you want after you get a smile makeover. That is your prerogative and privilege. However, it’s important to not go overboard on certain foods so you avoid pulling out a carefully crafted and bonded bit of cosmetic dentistry. Sticky, chewy sweets like caramel and taffy, for example, can latch onto your teeth. As you attempt to pull them off, they could bring a crown, veneer, or filling right along with them.

3. Not Flossing or Brushing Enough

Just because you have new teeth and have been promised those veneers are stain-resistant, it is essential to clean teeth fully every day. Flossing is nonnegotiable. There is room between every restoration so clean the crevices to prevent tooth decay and gum disease from developing. (You don’t want a cavity to show up underneath a crown or veneer.) Brush thoroughly but not aggressively and you will keep cosmetic dentistry result from suffering too much wear and tear and minimize gum recession.

4. Bad Habits

Are you someone who chews on ice, pencils, or other objects? Do you use your teeth as a tool to open packages? These behaviors, even though they might be something you’ve always done, are a sure route to dental disaster – they may even be the reason you needed a smile makeover. You threaten the condition and security of any cosmetic dentistry elements by maintaining bad habits. If you can’t cut down on the biting and chewing, talk to your NYC cosmetic dentist about how to address the problem.

Get a Hauntingly Good Smile Makeover

Smile makeovers are incredibly durable. They are created with strong, appealing materials that are meant to last and give you a healthy, robust smile. However, your behavior can make all the difference in longevity and success when it comes to cosmetic dentistry treatments. Don’t let bad behavior damage your hard-won new smile.

Follow your NYC dentist’s instructions and prioritize your oral health. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei at his office in Midtown Manhattan or submit an online Smile Virtual request to learn about a smile makeover that’s just right for you.