You can still have the smile you desire even if you weren’t born with vibrant beautiful teeth. Porcelain veneers can alleviate multiple dental imperfections.
Cosmetic dentists in Manhattan are using advances in aesthetic dentistry to quickly and painlessly correct minor tooth misalignment, chipped teeth, and tooth discoloration with dental veneers. If you have broken teeth, crooked teeth, or discolored teeth, a veneer can mask the presence of a dental flaw or injury. Your dentist affixes the porcelain veneers to the front of your teeth so that you can smile, eat, and speak as you normally would with no fear of having your veneers come loose. You can say goodbye to the gap between your teeth and those unsightly stains with the application of veneers in as little as two dental appointments.
All your cosmetic dentist needs to do is adhere them to your teeth, adjust them to create the perfect look, and let you enjoy them for years to come. They are natural looking porcelain shells and are thin and strong. Porcelain veneers also mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth so they are an especially good cosmetic option. In fact, with porcelain veneers option has helped countless people enjoy the complete and beautiful smiles that they deserve to have.