Are Your Teeth Aging You? A Smile Makeover Is Your Fountain of Youth

smile makeover fountain of youthAging gracefully is a tall order, especially if every time you look in the mirror all you see are jowls or a broken-down smile. One of the toughest things to accept about aging is that there is often nothing you can do to combat the problems you face. This reality isn’t true, however, when it comes to your smile. A smile makeover can revitalize your appearance and make you look years younger.

It’s What’s Inside (Your Tooth Fillings) That Counts

If you’re circling middle age and have fillings that are decades old, you’re likely from a generation that commonly received amalgam silver fillings to repair cavities. One of the biggest problems with silver fillings is that they contain toxic mercury. Over time, this metal seeps into your system, discoloring your gums and, more importantly, impacting your oral health and overall well-being.

Amalgam fillings expand and contract depending on the heat (hot tea) or cold (ice cream) that is in your mouth. Silver fillings can also swell, making teeth more likely to break. Swollen gums can develop as a result, and it may be difficult for you to chew foods without discomfort. Not to mention, amalgam fillings and their side effects are pretty unsightly.

The solution? Replace silver fillings with tooth-colored fillings. Not only does the composite make your teeth stronger, the materials used in the fillings are natural-looking. No one will ever know that you even have fillings.

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Fifty Shades of Grey Teeth

It could be genetics, eating habits, or maybe it’s simply age, but some people have a mouthful of teeth that are not all the same color. Over-the-counter whitening treatments tend to cause the differences among the teeth to become more pronounced. Giving up your coffee addiction or your nightly glass of red wine may be too little too late.

The smartest route to take if you want to finally achieve a one-color smile is to visit your Manhattan cosmetic dentist. He will determine what type of tooth stains you have before recommending treatment. If the problem is merely extrinsic – meaning the discoloration is on the surface of your teeth – then a professional teeth whitening treatment can get your smile up to seven times brighter in about an hour.

If your tooth stains are intrinsic – meaning they’re below the enamel – teeth whitening efforts in any form will not be helpful. In this case, one of the best and most comprehensive solutions will be porcelain veneers. Your teeth will all be the same color, and they will have an amazing translucency that makes them look like natural teeth. Plus, they simply won’t look “old” anymore. Who said there is no such thing as the fountain of youth?

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Break on Through to a New Smile

If you do have broken teeth, whether caused by amalgam fillings, age, deteriorating dentistry, an accident, or otherwise, it’s important to address the problem as soon as possible. Breaks seem to be contagious, and the enamel of your nearby teeth could suffer damage too if, for example, you chew differently to overcompensate for the discomfort.

There are several repair options when it comes to broken teeth, depending on the level of the damage and the overall health of the tooth. Some damaged teeth have surface cracks or chips. These can often be repaired with a simple and fast cosmetic tooth bonding procedure.

For teeth that are too severely damaged to be helped even by a porcelain tooth crown, there is the option of dental implants. Many patients who are suffering with tooth pain and deteriorating teeth – regardless of your age – will find great comfort in the security and natural appearance of dental implants.

If you’re tired of your tired-looking teeth, take yourself to Madison Avenue in Midtown Manhattan for an appointment with cosmetic dentist and restorative dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei. Contact us today to schedule your smile makeover consultation.