No Tricks, Just Treats: NYC Cosmetic Dentistry Is Magic

NYC cosmetic dentistry trick or treat dr. michael j. weiIt’s the middle of October, and you may find yourself daydreaming about changing the way you look – but you’re not necessarily considering Halloween costumes, are you? It’s a smile makeover that’s on your mind. If you find yourself distracted by the teeth of coworkers, colleagues, friends, and fellow Manhattanites, if you find yourself coveting their stunning, white, perfect teeth, it’s time to talk NYC cosmetic dentistry.

What Makes People Want NYC Cosmetic Dentistry?

People with 100% flawless teeth were probably not born with them. You might want to argue this point because some smiles look so wholly natural, but talented and experienced NYC cosmetic dentists can deliver smiles that make people look like they got lucky in the DNA department when it’s actually incredible dental care. Here are things that might get you thinking about NYC cosmetic dentistry:

  • If someone has the whitest teeth: That smile might not be perfect, but it gives off the illusion of perfection, doesn’t it? Super-white teeth often come from a professional teeth-whitening treatment. Powerful bleaching ingredients remove stains and discoloration in an hour.
  • When someone has perfect teeth: One of the most common NYC cosmetic dentistry treatments that delivers an amazing smile all the way around is no-prep veneers. Personalized for the patient, each veneer is carefully crafted in size, shape, length, and color and permanently bonded to teeth for a straight, white, big, beautiful smile.
  • If someone no longer has problem teeth: One or two unsightly teeth are noticeable, but when these imperfections are gone and someone’s teeth have been tweaked into a beautiful grin means they are likely the recipient of customized porcelain crowns which cover up unsightliness.

How Do You Pick the Right Smile Makeover?

Of course, it can look like a trick when someone has flawless teeth, and it’s completely possible they’re faking it, especially around Halloween. Someone else’s perfect teeth can also feel like an unfair kick from the universe if your smile isn’t as glorious as you’d like it to be.

What’s likely, though, is that the big, toothy grin you covet is courtesy of a talented NYC cosmetic dentist – and that person is prepared to help you select the right smile makeover for yourself. When you decide to get a new smile, you have many decisions ahead of you, and the journey begins with asking yourself the following questions:

  • What do you dislike about your smile?
  • What cosmetic dentistry treatments interest you?
  • Are you open to your cosmetic dentist’s suggestions?
  • Can you identify some smiles you love on celebrities or in the smile gallery?
  • What do you want your smile to look like?
  • What is your budget?

You don’t have to answer all these questions on your own. In fact, it’s better if you answer them with your cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei. Submit a Smile Virtual application to receive a video response, or schedule a consultation to discuss the magic that can be worked on your teeth.

A beautiful smile is in your future – and that isn’t a trick, it’s all treat. Contact us to learn more.