When you look back at photos from the big moments in your life, do you have any regrets? Maybe you wish you were thinner, had different hair, wore more stylish clothes or, most of all, had better teeth. Do you still have subpar teeth now? You don’t have to keep them. That perfect smile can be achieved with cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and a personalized smile makeover.
Treat Yourself to a Smile Makeover
If the condition or appearance of your teeth has made you unhappy for a long time, the moment has come for you to take care of yourself. Depending on the condition of your teeth and gums, any number of smile makeover combinations could be right for you. Here are just some of the options to help you get to your own perfect smile:
- Restorative dentistry: Tooth pain. Jaw pain. Loose teeth. These problems are a big deal, and they can indicate that something is very wrong with your dental health. If your teeth or mouth hurt in any way, your New York City dentist can identify the cause, and make the proper repairs using restorative dentistry like dental implants, porcelain crowns, or tooth-colored fillings. You could have a cavity, an infection, gum disease, or otherwise. Don’t try to diagnose yourself or assume that any discomfort will eventually go away. Oral health problems don’t fix themselves – let a professional help you achieve a strong foundation for the smile makeover procedures that follow.
- Cosmetic dentistry: If your teeth and gums are healthy but dissatisfied with how your teeth look, you can spruce them up permanently. There is a cosmetic dentistry treatment for everyone depending on your goals. Porcelain veneers can fix just about any aesthetic issue, including chips, gaps, misalignment, and discoloration and stains. If you want a less-invasive procedure that is just as effective, ask your Midtown Manhattan dentist about prepless veneers or Lumineers. You may just be a good candidate for this stain-resistant, natural-looking smile makeover.
- General and preventive dentistry: Sometimes your teeth look beautiful but they don’t feel great. When is the last time you visited your NYC dentist? Keeping up with professional teeth cleanings and dental exams twice a year helps you maintain good oral health. Your dentist also has the opportunity at these visits to see if there are any potential problems with your teeth and gums and address them immediately. If you have discomfort because of jaw problems or an issue with your TMJ, a mouthguard or other preventive or general dentistry treatment can relieve your pain. Make your oral health a priority and you will always be happy with your smile.
So many people are haunted by the fact that they could have looked better for major moments in their life. Don’t be one of these New Yorkers. Look good now. Improve the appearance and health of your teeth now. Whatever dental concerns you have, there is a solution for them. Talk to Dr. Michael J. Wei at his Madison Avenue apartment in Midtown Manhattan about your smile goals. Get on the way to your customized smile makeover – schedule a consultation today.