Why a Perfect Smile Makes You a Better Job Candidate

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j wei

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j weiPutting a photo on your resume or cover letter is not the norm in the United States (unless, of course, you have the kind of job that requires head shots, and so many people in NYC do). After all, your ability to do good work technically has nothing to do with your appearance – and, yet, it does. So, what does your smile say about you? Will your teeth help or hurt your chances of landing an interview, or do you need to upgrade to a perfect smile?

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Want a Perfect Match? Get a Perfect Smile

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentist

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentistHunting for the perfect match this Valentine’s Day? February 14 is an intimidating and pressure-filled holiday that can make single folks feel like they have a deadline to meet. Your cosmetic dentist knows that perfection takes time, but it’s always worth the wait, whether you’re talking perfect smile or perfect love. One thing is for certain: If you upgrade your smile, you’ll look that much better and be that much closer to finding the perfect match.

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