How Many No-Prep Veneers Does Your Smile Need?

how many veneers dr michael j. wei nyc cosmetic dentist

how many veneers dr michael j. wei nyc cosmetic dentistWhen you want a smile makeover and you want it to be transformed with no-prep veneers, you’ll have a conversation with your NYC cosmetic dentist about the right number of veneers for your teeth. There are different configurations that are right for every patient, and you’ll be given guidance and recommendations when it comes to what’s appropriate for your new smile.

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Patients Are Most Grateful for These Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

cosmetic dentistry treatment grateful nyc dr michael j wei

cosmetic dentistry treatment grateful nyc dr michael j weiHow you see yourself is uniquely your vision, and everyone is different, whether you wear suits or have tattoos, dye your hair or go as natural as possible. When it comes to teeth, however, most cosmetic dentistry patients agree – there are some treatments everyone is incredibly grateful for, no matter how different they are in the rest of their lives. Here are some of the most favored smile makeover procedures of eclectic New Yorkers.

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