NYC Cosmetic Dentistry: The Safest Gamble You’ll Ever Make

nyc cosmetic dentistry never a gamble dr michael j weiEveryone feels comfortable with their own level of gambling. Maybe you play a lottery ticket when there is a billion-dollar jackpot, maybe you visit the slots or horse races on special occasions, maybe you play poker with friends once a week. Whatever your preference, there is always risk involved with gambling. There is one safe bet all the time, however – NYC cosmetic dentistry.

What Kind of Gambler Are You?

Diehard gamblers don’t need guaranteed success. Of course, they want to win and try to win, but true satisfaction comes from simply playing, regardless of the results. People who are interested in NYC cosmetic dentistry are, understandably, reluctant to roll the dice on anything less than a sure thing. Thank goodness they don’t have to.

Whatever your vision for upgrading your smile, there are plenty of aesthetic procedures to suit your comfort level:

  • Occasional fun: If you’re tentative about every bet you place, every March Madness you participate in, every scratch-off you purchase, you might be the kind of person who’s more conservative about making changes to your teeth. Good thing small tweaks can make a major difference to your smile. The likes of professional teeth whitening can brighten tooth enamel in an hour while fixing one unsightly tooth with a porcelain crown can change your smile permanently. Don’t be afraid to bet on yourself when it comes to improving your teeth.
  • Known dabbler: If you dabble in cards or lottery tickets on a regular basis, you might be willing to play a little bigger when it comes to a smile makeover. You know the value of a good thing and prioritizing your teeth is one way to really win. When you have confidence about transforming your teeth, you can benefit from procedures like minimum-prep porcelain veneers, a top NYC cosmetic dentistry treatment that makes you look younger, healthier, happier, and smarter.
  • All in: Have no fear when it comes to gambling? Know you have to play big to win big? Then a full-blown smile makeover is for you. This designation can include any number of cosmetic dentistry procedures that add up to an incredible smile transformation. Starting with gummy laser treatment, following with veneers, tweaking remaining teeth with whitening or crowns, there are any number of ways to structure this smile game so that you win – permanently.

Place Your Bet on a NYC Smile Makeover

There is some strategy to gambling – it’s important to take time to consider the options, how much of an investment you are willing to put in, and what your return will be. The same holds true for NYC cosmetic dentistry. You need to think about what you want for your teeth, what your budget is, and just how worth it these efforts are. (Full disclosure: They’re always worth it when you’re seeing an experienced cosmetic dentist.)

Is it time to play your chips? If your teeth make you unhappy or self-conscious, the right answer is yes. Submit a virtual consultation and wait for your customized video response from Dr. Michael J. Wei or schedule an in-person appointment to find out the best bet for your new smile.