You’re Never Too Busy for a Smile Makeover

busy smile makeover nycBetween work and play, New Yorkers are busy. You still need to look the part, however. No matter what field you’re in or what goals you have for yourself, your smile is an essential piece of your image. Even though you may think you don’t have time to dedicate to getting a perfect smile, you’re never too busy for a smile makeover.

What Is Your Smile Complaint?

Your NYC cosmetic dentist knows you don’t have a ton of time to spare. Some smile makeovers take as little as an hour. Others may take a few visits to your dentist. Patience is important, but you must also trust that your dentist is working as quickly as possible while still providing you with the most meticulously done smile enhancements.

There is a smile makeover solution for every smile complaint:

  • Your teeth are stained or discolored. If the professional-grade bleaching tools in a teeth-whitening procedure won’t get your teeth white, porcelain veneers will cover all manner of yellow and brown tooth enamel.
  • You have a broken or chipped tooth. Do people look too long at your teeth because you have one tooth that stands out, and not in a good way? Cover up the imperfection with a non-invasive solution like cosmetic tooth bonding. Quick, non-invasive, and effective, no one will ever know that you had a cosmetic repair.
  • Your teeth are too short. If you’re tired of feeling that your short teeth make you look like a child, lengthen them with porcelain veneers. Size, shape, length, color, and overall construction of porcelain veneers are customized to your smile, face shape, and skin color so they flatter and look natural.

You Can Fix What’s Broken

If your teeth are in serious disrepair or your smile is unsightly, maybe you’ve been using “busyness” as an excuse to avoid the dentist. Restorative dentistry can be done just as efficiently as other types of dentistry and, for many people, dental restorations should be the priority. Unhealthy teeth only lead to more dental problems, and no tooth or gum issue ever resolves on its own.

You want your teeth to look good, but if the foundation of your oral health is in question, you must address these issues first. Plus, dental restorations aren’t just about fixing problems, they’re about repairing and beautifying.

Dental implants replace missing teeth and look natural. Porcelain tooth crowns cover a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy or caps a misshapen or broken tooth using tooth-colored porcelain. Inlays and onlays, tooth-colored fillings, dental bridges – these restorative dental repairs make your teeth stronger and prettier.

Make Time for a New Smile

Whatever your obligations, it’s still important to take care of yourself so you feel good about yourself, and about how you look. Revamping your smile is a major confidence booster, and whether you prefer to blend in or stand out in Manhattan, you can have teeth that reflect who you truly are.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael J. Wei at his Midtown Manhattan dental office on Madison Avenue to get the smile that’s perfect for your look and your schedule.