8 Fast Facts About Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers fast facts nyc cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiIf you’re thinking about getting a smile makeover using porcelain veneers, it’s important to do your research and learn all you can about this popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. Without a doubt, veneers are one of the most powerful ways to transform your smile and overall appearance. Take the time to determine whether this is the right treatment for you.

1. Available in different forms

When you see an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist, you will have multiple types of veneer compositions from which to choose. Traditional porcelain veneers require the removal of some tooth enamel, while Lumineers are thinner and usually only need a light sanding of enamel to fit. Microthin veneers and prepless veneers, however, are minimally invasive and do not alter the appearance of your natural teeth to make room for the porcelain. The right dentist will help you choose the best option for your smile makeover.

2. Stain resistant

Porcelain is durable and stain resistant. Unless you’re really doubling down on the coffee, dark colas, or red wine, you can keep your veneers looking white for decades with daily brushings and flossing and regular visits to your dentist for teeth cleanings.

3. Long lasting

Veneers are super-strong, so they not only strengthen your smile and make it practically goof proof, they last for a very long time with proper upkeep, including careful home hygiene and biannual dental cleanings.

4. Natural looking

One of the most important parts of veneer preparation is choosing the right color porcelain for your new teeth. Most people envision a super-white celebrity-like smile when they imagine themselves with veneers, and this may work for you, but a slightly off-white color may actually be more flattering and natural looking. The most important thing is to choose a shade of enamel that complements your skin tone and does not out-white the whites of your eyes.

5. One and done

If you’re getting porcelain veneers, chances are this is the only cosmetic dentistry treatment you need to completely transform your smile. Veneers are so powerful and appearance-altering they do the work of multiple procedures combined. Some patients with a gummy smile, though, do opt for laser gum recontouring first followed by veneers for the ultimate smile makeover duo.

6. Customized

All porcelain veneers are customized to the patient. There is no one-size-fits-all where this cosmetic dentistry treatment is concerned. Shape, size, color, length, and translucency of each veneer is carefully determined so a dental lab can create the veneers just for you.

7. Two dental visits

Veneers typically require two visits to your Midtown cosmetic dentist to complete, though a third visit may be necessary if you need more time to consider and discuss the composition of your veneers. The first visit usually includes preparing your teeth for the procedure and settling on all the personalized elements of your veneers. The second visit a few weeks later is for the actual placement of veneers.

8. Cosmetic dentist matters

Getting the right veneers for you begins with choosing the right cosmetic dentist. Dr. Michael J. Wei has completed hundreds of smile makeovers using veneers in all their forms. Get his advice and expertise through a Smile Virtual request or schedule an in-person consultation at his Midtown office.