3 Perfect Combos of NYC Cosmetic Dentistry

NYC cosmetic dentistry dr michael j weiCosmetic dentistry is incredibly transformative, especially when it’s done by a top New York City dentist, but there are some treatment combos that hit the sweet spot and create truly spectacular transformations. Smile makeovers are customized to every patient, and the below pairs of NYC cosmetic dentistry are just some of the ways your teeth can be upgraded for a stunning new smile.

1. Laser Gum Lift and Prepless Veneers

If you feel like your excess gum tissue has long defined your smile and overall look, you can do something about it. Through a laser gum lift, the extra gums that you don’t want taking over your smile can be meticulously removed to reveal more tooth enamel, giving you a bigger, brighter, wider smile with proportional teeth and gums.

Now, some people take the laser gum lift one step further and add prepless veneers to the newly revealed enamel. This broadens your smile and perfects it from one side to the other. Many people choose six to 10 veneers to transform their top teeth, settling on just the right number with input from their Manhattan dentist.

2. Porcelain Crowns and Teeth Whitening

When you want whiter teeth but you don’t want a very invasive smile makeover, the combination of porcelain crowns and teeth whitening get the job done. Professional teeth whitening makes teeth multiple shades whiter in as little as an hour, but sometimes people have teeth that cannot be whitened because they are capped or naturally discolored. Enter porcelain crowns.

Since crowns cannot be whitened by bleaching products, they can be customized to switch out existing crowns after professional whitening, so the porcelain matches the new shade of your teeth. This ensures that every tooth is whitened in its own way to deliver a cohesive, natural-looking smile that’s brighter and more beautiful than ever.

3. Prepless Veneers and Porcelain Crowns

Prepless veneers and porcelain crowns are two of the most versatile cosmetic dentistry treatments. Put them together and you have an incredible smile makeover that is strong, attractive, and personalized to you alone.

Veneers can be added to all your visible upper teeth, or they can be placed on just a few teeth where major changes are necessary. The same goes for porcelain veneers. Depending on the health and strength of all your teeth, your dentist will make recommendations about the best cosmetic and restorative changes to give you the perfect combo for a new smile.

What’s Your NYC Cosmetic Dentistry Combo?

There are a host of NYC cosmetic dentistry combinations that can give you the VIP smile you want. Whether your goal is white teeth, straight teeth, or otherwise, your consultation with NYC cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei will produce options for you to consider when it comes to upgrading your smile.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wei at his Midtown dental office or submit a Smile Virtual consultation online and get a customized video response that includes recommendations for your personalized smile makeover.