Autumn: The Perfect Time for a NYC Smile Makeover

autumn nyc smile makeover dr michael j weiIt might seem like things fall apart in autumn as the trees deposit their leaves over sidewalks and streets and the weather breaks without warning. There is one sure way, though, to get yourself together at this time of year, no matter what’s going on with Mother Nature or the rest of your life. A NYC smile makeover is an opportunity for reinvention at a time of year when many things start to close up or fade away.

Fall Into a New You with a NYC Smile Makeover

There is never a wrong time to reinvent yourself. Believe it or not, adjusting the appearance and functionality of your smile is a major way to make good things happen.

If you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to career, love, or social life, a new smile can make all the difference. If you haven’t smiled all that much or taken many photos because you’re embarrassed by the condition of your teeth, revitalize your confidence with a smile makeover.

Some of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments that make the biggest difference include:

  • Prepless veneers: Transform your entire smile with super-thin veneers that don’t require the removal of any tooth enamel. Prepless veneers are customized to your needs and carefully bonded to your teeth to create a natural-looking smile makeover. It’s one of the most powerful, long-lasting smile makeovers available and it conceals everything from chips and cracks to stains and gaps.
  • Teeth whitening: If you’re looking for the most affordable, fastest, and easiest smile upgrade, ask your NYC cosmetic dentist about professional teeth whitening. This powerful bleaching formula whitens teeth by multiple shades so dramatically that, even if your smile isn’t perfect, whitening creates the illusion that it is.
  • Porcelain crowns: It’s easy to overlook the power of porcelain crowns, but this cosmetic dentistry treatment can fix multiple cosmetic and functional problems to give you a smashing new smile that is strong and beautiful. A personalized cap is made for however many problem teeth and permanently attached to complete your smile.

Manage Your Mood with a Perfect Smile Makeover

One thing that plagues many people in autumn is darker and shorter days. While a NYC smile makeover is not a cure for seasonal depression, a perfect smile can absolutely boost a person’s mood and put you in a place where you feel great about yourself.

You’ll have the desire to wake up and get as much sunlight as you can, you’ll have energy to work out and get the benefit of the endorphins, and you’ll have the self-esteem to go out and enjoy a great night life. Being sedentary at this time of year can be detrimental to anyone’s mental health and overall well-being. Improve your smile and you are that much more likely to improve the rest of your life.

Get a NYC Smile Makeover This Fall

You don’t have to wait for a new year to reinvent yourself. Fall is an ideal season to transform your smile and say, “Hey, world! Look at me!” Get the amazing transformation started with a consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei at his dental office in Midtown.