Your Smile Makeover Resolution for the New Year

New Year resolution smile makeoverEven if you’re someone who doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, or you think those whispers to yourself or declarations to all who will listen are just a set-up for failure, we implore you to give resolutions another chance. This time, make a promise to yourself that involves becoming a better you – and opt for the one thing that is guaranteed to make you look happier, healthier, younger, and better: a smile makeover.

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Resolve to Improve Your Smile

It doesn’t matter how many trips to the gym you make or how much weight you lose. It doesn’t matter what kind of clothes you wear or accessories you carry. Your smile says everything about you. If you’re not smiling, then you look unhappy and unapproachable. That does your social and professional life no favors. If you hide behind your hand when you speak or smile, this gesture reflects on how others perceive your level of confidence. You’re less likely to land the gig, the date, or the promotion when you’re concealing the focal point of your face from others because you’re ashamed of your teeth.

In many cases, you don’t need months or even weeks to rejuvenate your smile. For many people, one simple cosmetic dentistry procedure can make a world of difference in the appearance of your smile, while injecting your self-esteem with some serious energy and life. If you’re looking for a sure thing in the new year, pursue a smile makeover.

Here are just a handful of ways you can transform your smile, and your life, and they all qualify as a smile makeover, whether you undergo one procedure or multiple procedures:

Brighten your teeth: If you are mortified by your stained and discolored teeth, the first step is having your Manhattan cosmetic dentist evaluate the source of the stains. If the problems are on the surface, a professional teeth whitening treatment will renew your face tenfold. If the teeth are discolored within the enamel, you will need a bigger repair, such as porcelain veneers or lumineers.

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Fill in the blanks: You know that one missing tooth that honest little kids or obnoxious acquaintances just love to point out when you least expect it, embarrassing you and exposing your flaw. Don’t think solutions are limited for your smile imperfection. Dental implants are often the smartest way to go when you need to reinforce the foundation of your smile and replace a missing tooth, or teeth, permanently.

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Make repairs: How long have you been tolerating a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth? That one tooth is not only unsightly, its presence is compromising the health of your nearby teeth. You will overcompensate for a tooth whose health is in question, thereby endangering other teeth. A damaged tooth, even a broken crown, can easily let in bacteria and develop into an abscess, the start of gum disease, or eventually become a tooth that must be pulled. Don’t wait for the worst to happen – be proactive about your oral health and get the porcelain crown or dental onlay that will makeover your smile.

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Resolve to have an amazing new year, with a new smile that turns you into a new you. Make an appointment with Dr. Michael J. Wei’s Manhattan dental office to discuss your concerns.