‘Tis the Season for a Smile Makeover

tis the season for smile makeover nycIf you celebrate Christmas, there’s a good chance you spend weeks shopping for just the right gifts for the people you love. The question is: What do you really want from Santa? If a smile makeover is on your list, you could wait to see what pops up in your stocking or under the tree, but sometimes you must take matters into your own hands.

Make It a White (Teeth) Christmas

One of the biggest smile complaints New York City dental patients have is that they’re teeth look dingy. Whether it’s stains or natural discoloration that are plaguing you, it pays to find out what kind of smile makeover procedures can give you the white teeth you want.

If your teeth are naturally yellowish, no amount of dental bleaching will make a dent. You’re not stuck with off-white teeth forever though – porcelain veneers can bump your smile up by giving you bright white, perfect teeth.

If you do just have stains from natural wear and tear, a professional teeth-whitening treatment is powerful enough to break through the discoloration and give you years of stupendously white teeth. Even if you have crooked or not exactly flawless teeth, a whitening treatment will make them look like they’re just right.

Get Ready for the Mistletoe

Is your love life on the fritz? One of the reasons people don’t meet their love match is because they’re so self-conscious about their appearance, especially the appearance of their teeth. If you don’t like the look of your own smile, you’ll never feel comfortable showing it to anyone else, and how can you even get the point where you’re exchanging kisses?

If you feel like you’re limited in the photos you can put in your dating profiles, if you don’t smile at the potential love matches you meet, if you hold back because you’re ashamed of your teeth, if you can’t land a second date because you’re sure your teeth ruined the first, it’s time to give yourself the gift of a beautiful, kissable smile.

Fill Your Own Stocking

If you’re looking for a complete overhaul of your smile, then gift yourself the ultimate: a smile makeover. The path to a perfect smile is different for everyone, but there is always a route that is just right for you.

The problem many people face is that they feel like their teeth are too far gone to benefit from any sort of dental treatment. That simply isn’t the case. If your teeth are in disrepair and you’re in pain or any discomfort, see your New York City dentist.

Your teeth may not look great now, but once you undergo the necessary restorative dentistry, you’ll have a foundation that is ready for any smile upgrades, big or small. You’ll have a complete cosmetic dentistry menu at your disposal and the expertise of a lauded cosmetic dentist to guide you.

Give Yourself the Gift of Good Oral Health

Any time of year is the right time of year to get a smile makeover. For many people, the end of the holiday season and the start of a new year feels like just the right time to start over with their smile, and everything else. If you’re ready to make a change, schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael J. Wei at his Midtown Manhattan dental office on Madison Avenue to talk about what’s right for you and your smile makeover.