6 Problems a Porcelain Crown Can Fix

porcelain crowns versatile nyc dentist dr michael j weiWhen you think about versatile dental treatments, make sure porcelain crowns are at the top of the list. Both a cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry treatment, crowns can beautify teeth and repair major dental issues simultaneously. Here are just some of the problems a dental crown can fix.

1. Large Cavity

Most cavities can be treated with a tooth-colored filling. The decay is removed, the composite is put in its place, and the repair is complete. However, some cavities are so large and deep that, once the decay is removed, there isn’t enough tooth structure remaining to hold the filling. In circumstances like this, a customized crown is created to cover and protect the entire tooth.

2. Stained Tooth

Professional teeth whitening treatments are incredible and they can truly transform smiles by breaking apart stain molecules. Unfortunately, some teeth are stained from within, often with tetracycline stains, and there is no amount of bleaching that can alter their grayish or brownish color. A porcelain crown, though, can easily create a white tooth. With this customized cosmetic dentistry upgrade, the unsightly tooth is covered up and the crown’s color is matched to the neighboring teeth.

3. Infected Tooth

If you have a tooth infection that so large and painful that it requires root canal therapy, expect that a porcelain crown will also be part of the solution. Once the canals are cleaned out, the infection cleared away, and the canals filled, a crown is placed over the entire tooth. This repairs the appearance of the treated tooth, prevents future infection, and makes the tooth strong, sturdy, and healthy again.

4. Chipped or Cracked Tooth

A chipped or cracked tooth may not seem like a big deal, especially if it doesn’t hurt or if the damage is on a molar that’s difficult to see. But any compromised enamel is an invitation for bacteria and food particles to enter the tooth and cause infection. A crown will cover up the damage, reinforce the tooth’s strength so it can’t be further compromised, and build the tooth back into the shape it’s supposed to be.

5. Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is a big deal. Even if the break doesn’t cause any pain, you want that tooth fixed as soon as possible so additional problems don’t develop with that tooth or neighboring teeth. Once your NYC dentist examines your tooth and addresses any problems that have developed because of the break, the tooth can then be corrected with a customized porcelain tooth crown. This will make the tooth strong and healthy once again.

6. Crooked Tooth

If you have a crooked tooth that has always gotten in the way of a perfect smile, you’ve probably considered braces or Invisalign to finally make the problem disappear. But you don’t have to resort to orthodontics to fix just one part of your smile. One carefully customized porcelain crown and meticulously prepped tooth can conceal this imperfection and create a tooth that blends in with the rest of your teeth.

Get a Porcelain Crown from Your Manhattan Dentist

Ready to get a beautiful smile in just one procedure? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei, cosmetic dentist in Midtown, and find out if a porcelain crown is right for you.