Dr. Wei Lectures About Social Media for the Association of Innovative Dentistry

Dr Michael J Wei AID meeting May 2023

At the May 5 special event for the Association of Innovative Dentistry (AID), Dr. Michael J. Wei gave a lecture for over 100 of his peers about the benefits of social media for dentists and how to make this marketing tactic turn potential patients into conversions for your cosmetic dentistry practice.

Prioritizing Social Media Communication in Cosmetic Dentistry

The AID is a multidisciplinary group dedicated to advancing the profession of dentistry through innovation. Their goal is to help dentists serve their patients in creative ways of practice, promotion, and beyond. Dr. Wei has plenty to offer in these areas as a talented and experienced cosmetic dentist – but he’s also adept at reaching and converting potential patients through high-caliber social media efforts.

Dr. Wei’s lecture focused on how to create a cosmetic dental practice well known in social media circles. “It was an honor for me to speak to the Association of Innovative Dentistry about my success with Instagram and cosmetic dentistry. Thank you to everyone who came out to support me and made the lecture a success.”

Cosmetic dentists are busy professionals. The idea of fitting in social media on top of all other responsibilities can feel daunting, but Dr. Wei has proven that it’s possible to make the right platform work for your practice. After all, he has almost 200,000 followers on Instagram @DrMikeWei. It’s hypnotizing to look through the successful smile makeover posts, captivating before-and-after photos, and video testimonials from satisfied patients.

Finding New Cosmetic Dentistry Patients Through Instagram

Dr. Wei has met his patients right where they prefer to be – online. Through Instagram, an interactive website, stunning smile gallery, and virtual smile consultations, he has made cosmetic dentistry convenient for anyone who’s interested in learning more about how to change their smile, and created such fascinating content that patients go one step further and reach out to schedule a consultation.

Of Dr. Wei’s expertise, the AID said, “Specializing in cosmetic rehabilitation is a very competitive field. You need to not only have the skill to achieve superior esthetics but the right message in the social medial outlets to attract the right patients.” The lecture at the all-day event focused on techniques used to enhance esthetic outcomes, tools to build online presence, and tools to increase social media profiles.

As Dr. Wei explained, patients are finding dentists online through their websites – and the majority of his new patients are finding out about him and coming to him from Instagram. Time well spent. Instagram is an excellent platform for Dr. Wei to showcase his work to attract new patients – and the primary reason he uses that social media method.

Get a NYC Smile Makeover from Dr. Wei

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Wei and his NYC cosmetic dentistry practice, visit him @DrMikeWei on Instagram and see what might be possible for your smile makeover. Schedule an appointment or submit a Smile Virtual form to get a personalized response with suggestions and recommendations. Contact us today.