Autumn: The Perfect Time for a NYC Smile Makeover

autumn nyc smile makeover dr michael j wei

autumn nyc smile makeover dr michael j weiIt might seem like things fall apart in autumn as the trees deposit their leaves over sidewalks and streets and the weather breaks without warning. There is one sure way, though, to get yourself together at this time of year, no matter what’s going on with Mother Nature or the rest of your life. A NYC smile makeover is an opportunity for reinvention at a time of year when many things start to close up or fade away.

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3 Common NYC Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

common NYC cosmetic dentistry treatments dr michael j wei

common NYC cosmetic dentistry treatments dr michael j weiWhen it comes to NYC cosmetic dentistry, getting the same procedure as your friend or colleague is not like wearing the same outfit or getting the same hair color. A smile makeover is customized to every patient, so even if people you know are undergoing the same treatments, working with an experienced cosmetic dentist ensures that you all come out looking uniquely like yourself. Here are just three of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments.

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Professionals Who Benefit from Manhattan No-Prep Veneers

Manhattan no-prep veneers Dr. Michael J. Wei professional smile makeover

Manhattan no-prep veneers Dr. Michael J. Wei professional smile makeoverNo matter where you work, no matter what you do, a smile makeover will work wonders for your self-esteem, job performance, reputation, and confidence. There are some careers, however, where an upgraded smile can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success. If you’re considering a resume tweak or are eager to change jobs or land a promotion, examine your smile in the mirror first and determine if Manhattan no-prep veneers could be the path to climbing the ladder in your field.

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Get Minimal Prep Veneers and Never Feel Self-Conscious Again

minimal prep veneers dr mike wei manhattan dds

minimal prep veneers dr mike wei manhattan ddsThere are many ways people try to move past feeling self-conscious – dieting, a new wardrobe, and a fresh hairstyle are some of the most common choices. One of the biggest things that makes a person feel flawed is less-than-perfect teeth. You might be embarrassed every time you speak or smile, especially if you see others’ eyes drift down to your mouth. If you get a customized smile makeover using minimal prep veneers, though, you’ll never feel self-conscious again.

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Newly Divorced? Rejuvenate Your Life with a Smile Makeover

smile makeover after divorce nyc cosmetic dentist dr wei

smile makeover after divorce nyc cosmetic dentist dr weiDivorce takes its toll in many ways, whether you were eager to separate from your partner or not. When you end your union there is a guaranteed way to feel better about the new life ahead: a customized smile makeover. Your teeth have incredible power to enhance your confidence when you look in the mirror or speak to or smile at others. Here are just some of the many ways you can rejuvenate your new single life with a smile makeover.

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America Gets a Smile Makeover Through Minimal Prep Porcelain Veneers

America veneers NYC smile makeover Dr. Michael J Wei 2

America veneers NYC smile makeover Dr. Michael J Wei 2Sometimes when a dental patient undergoes cosmetic dentistry the results aren’t what they envisioned. This was the case for America G., who was unhappy with the aesthetics of her smile. She had four porcelain veneers on her front top teeth, and they were far from perfect. America went to Dr. Michael J. Wei for a solution and he delivered an amazing smile makeover using minimal prep porcelain veneers.

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