Most cosmetic dentistry treatments are powerful all on their own. They transform a person’s appearance and reboot self-confidence. Combine two cosmetic dentistry treatments together, however, and you can have a beautiful, flawless, megawatt smile makeover like no other.
3 Reasons Fall Is a Great Time for a Smile Makeover
Fall and winter mean bundling up. Because of cold temps, some days your entire body may be covered, except for your face. Your smile is always there, shining through, making itself known. Are you proud of the teeth you show to the world? Or are you embarrassed by them? Fall is a great time to improve your look with a smile makeover, and here are just a handful of reasons why.
Hey Teachers: Do You Have a Perfect Smile for School?
Whether your smile will be in the spotlight through distance learning or front and center for in-person instruction, getting your teeth ready for back-to-school season is a must for every teacher. Achieving a perfect smile is easy with the help of your NYC cosmetic dentist.
Finish Summer with a Smile Makeover
One of the best ways to prepare for fall is by rejuvenating your appearance. Cold temps and falling leaves aren’t far off, and you’ll be bundling up before you know it. Your tan will fade and maybe a little of your oomph, but your smile will always be on display. Make sure it looks as good as possible with a customized smile makeover.
5 Reasons to Do a Virtual Dental Consult
If the last six months have taught us anything, it’s that so much of life can keep on rolling as long as you have technology at your fingertips. That smile makeover you were ready to get started? The one tooth that has always marred your appearance? You don’t have to wait to upgrade – a virtual consult with your New York City cosmetic dentist is ready for you right now.
4 Ways to Get Rid of Tooth Stains
It’s natural to want to find a quick fix for a cosmetic problem, especially when it comes to tooth stains. Certainly, there is no shortage of products that promise to brighten up your smile. Making a permanent change to tooth enamel, however, requires the practiced hand of an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist and just the right smile upgrades.
5 Warning Signs of Worn-Out Teeth
Worn-out teeth are a side effect of aging, but problems with your teeth and gums can also appear at a younger age. If your teeth don’t look right or if your smile is painful and experiencing problems again and again, you may be a candidate for restorative dentistry or full-mouth reconstruction. It’s important to be aware of the signs of worn-out teeth so issues can be addressed before they become emergencies.
Do You Need Another Teeth Whitening Treatment?
Professional teeth whitening works quickly and lasts for years if you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist every six months. Eventually, though, the teeth whitening will fade. Can you make it last longer? Can you avoid needing a whitening treatment ever again? Your New York City cosmetic dentist knows the secrets.
What Is the Secret to an Ageless Smile?
All bodies exhibit telltale signs of aging. Wrinkles. Gray hair. Yellowing and deteriorating teeth. You can combat these symptoms with common solutions, like face creams and hair dye. The secret to an ageless smile, however, goes far beyond what a drugstore dental aisle can offer. The route to getting a gorgeous, ageless smile is personal – and it’s between you and your NYC cosmetic dentist.
Find the Right NYC Cosmetic Dentist to Fix Another Dentist’s Bad Veneers
You did it. You took the plunge and finally got the porcelain veneers you’ve always wanted. Unfortunately, the result was definitely not what you envisioned. Now what? Many people are tempted by a dentist’s pricing or promises. Instead of a great deal and amazing results, they feel cheated by a less-than-perfect smile makeover. Now you’re in the market for a new dentist to fix another dentist’s bad veneers.
5 Things a Porcelain Tooth Crown Can Do for You
There are some dental treatments that are often overlooked for their versatility. Porcelain tooth crowns are one of them. Much of the time, dental patients only think of a crown in conjunction with root canal therapy, intended to cover up the tooth that’s being treated. This is certainly the norm, but it’s not the only job that a dental crown can do.
What Does Your Smile Makeover Look Like?
There are plenty of television shows that have “makeover” in the title – and the overhauls that come to life in every episode are massive. Smile makeovers, on the other hand, do not need to be huge to be impactful. In fact, the changes can be very minor and still create a brand new you. What smile upgrades do have in common with makeover shows, however, is that they are customized to that person, place, or thing. They’re unique. Time to find out: What does your one-of-a-kind smile makeover look like?