Whitening toothpastes are not the solution to every tooth stain. In fact, they can be abrasive to teeth, making them even more susceptible to stains and discoloration. If you have realized that your teeth are losing their luster, you don’t have to live that way. Change your habits, see your dentist, and figure out the best cosmetic dentistry solution to brighten your smile.
Cosmetic Dentistry
4 Things to Look for in a NYC Cosmetic Dentist
When you’re looking for just the right NYC cosmetic dentist to create your smile makeover, fix your worn-out teeth, make a small upgrade, or give you a healthy smile, keep the following checklist in mind – and don’t settle for anything less.
Makeup Can’t Fix Worn-Out Teeth
Makeup can make you look younger, fresher, and more contoured. Redness, blemishes, dark circles, age, spots, and even some wrinkles can disappear or at least fade with carefully and strategically applied makeup. If your teeth look old, discolored, or otherwise imperfect, however, even the most experienced makeup artist can’t conceal the obvious. The only way to truly hide a worn-out teeth is to fix it, permanently.
Dr. Michael J. Wei Earns Top General and Cosmetic Dentist Award
Dr. Michael J. Wei, Midtown Manhattan general and cosmetic dentist, has been awarded the title of Top General and Cosmetic Dentist by the Top Doctor Awards. This recognition celebrates the achievements of today’s most influential and respected practitioners in dentistry and medicine. Dr. Wei is honored and privileged to be counted among such an esteemed grouping.
Set Off Some Fireworks with Cosmetic Dentistry
Independence Day is an excellent time of year to shake things up and pursue some self-improvements. If you change your smile with cosmetic dentistry, you’ll add that much-needed spark to every area of your life. Who says fireworks are only for the Fourth of July?
You’re Never Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry
When you reach a certain age, it’s easy to say, “Oh, I’m too old for that.” Maybe you think you’re too old to wear a belly-baring top, get piercings, or take up the bass guitar – but we like to believe that you’re never too old for anything, if you have the confidence and desire to rock it. What we absolutely know is that you’re never too old for cosmetic dentistry and a beautiful new smile.
New York City Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei Attends AACD Conference
Cosmetic dentistry is changing all the time. Innovative techniques are debuted and taught at professional gatherings like the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Conference, which Dr. Michael J. Wei attended in San Diego from April 24-27, 2019. As a Midtown cosmetic dentist, Dr. Wei is dedicated to continuing education and learning about modern dental procedures and products, so he can continue to deliver advanced, stunning smile makeovers for his patients.
3 of the Most Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
If you’re reinventing your smile, you want to make sure the work you’re having done is worth your while and worth the investment. The most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures remain popular because they’re long-lasting, effective, and offer maximum, immediate impact.
NYC Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei Named New York Top Dentist 2019
Dr. Michael J. Wei, Manhattan cosmetic dentist, has been named New York Top Dentist for 2019. The award is given by the Top Dentist Division of USA Top Docs to experienced and deserving dentists who have undergone a comprehensive review process. Dr. Wei is recognized locally and nationally as an exceptional dentist among his peers and patients, and this merit-based honor solidifies his position as a respected dentist in Manhattan.
A Smile Makeover to Fit Every Timeline
A New Yorker’s life is busy, fast-paced, moving all the time. Your opportunity for self-care may take a backseat to personal and professional obligations. If you’re ready to address own needs, a smile makeover can give you a boost in all parts of your life. A new smile will renew your self-confidence, it can help you stand out or move ahead in your career, and it can put a whole new spin on romantic endeavors. Depending on how much time you have, there is a smile makeover to fit every Manhattanite’s smile goals.
4 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Transform Your Look
Your smile plays an essential role in how you present yourself to others and how others perceive you. Whether colleagues, family, friends, or complete strangers, when you come face-to-face with people, they notice your smile, or lack thereof. If you’re smiling too little or are embarrassed by your teeth, it’s time to find out how cosmetic dentistry can transform your look and personality.
Cosmetic Dentistry: A Key Element in Your Anti-Aging Efforts
If you’ve reached a certain age, you’re feeling changes in your body and, most of all, you’re seeing changes on your face. If a dedicated exercise routine, better diet, facial fillers, and all manner of anti-aging efforts are on your calendar, don’t forget to save room for cosmetic dentistry. People in search of an effective, long-lasting way to combat the years that are marching all over their face are thrilled to discover smile makeovers residing in that fountain of youth.