Mind the Gap? Might Be Time to Schedule a Smile Makeover

Lindsey Wixson gap teethWhat you consider your biggest smile flaw, some people consider their best asset. Gap teeth are a hot commodity for today’s celebrities. Models (Lara Stone, Lindsey Wixson, Georgia May Jagger, Abby Lee Kershaw, Vanessa Paradis) with gap teeth are in high demand. And of course there are actors (Laurence Fishburne, Andy Samberg), actresses (Lauren Hutton, Anna Paquin, Uzo Aduba), hosts (David Letterman, Michael Strahan) and musicians (Madonna, Elton John, Seal) who have long rocked their gaps. Whether you are embracing what you were given or are seeking to make a change, there are cosmetic dentistry solutions to fit your needs.

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Does Your Presidential Candidate Need a Smile Makeover?

Presidential smile makeoverPolitics are all about looks, and at the same time they’re hardly about looks. The state of our nation is what’s really at stake, but what would newspaper caricaturists have to do all day if there weren’t politicians to mock? After all, most of the candidates running for president fit into a certain demographic, which includes questionable hair, well-earned wrinkles, and worldliness. But if we were voting to put someone in the highest office in the nation based on their teeth, how would the current Democratic and Republican presidential candidates fare?

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Getting Married? A Smile Makeover Is the Icing on Your Wedding Cake

wedding smile makeoverWedding season is almost here, but no matter when you’re planning to tie the knot, you want to look young and attractive and healthy and happy. While you may have a serious diet and exercise regimen that you’re sticking to in order to become the bride or groom you’ve always envisioned yourself to be, there is one task that might be missing from your to-do list: a smile makeover. If you really want to look good in pictures, your smile is the place to start.

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4 of the Most Versatile Cosmetic Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry Solutions

restorative dentistry cosmetic dentistryWhen you have an aesthetic complaint about your teeth that would benefit from cosmetic dentistry, or you have an oral health problem that requires restorative dentistry, the options about what’s available for your care can be confusing. What’s the best choice? What will last the longest? What will give you the most bang for your buck? A consultation with your cosmetic and restorative dentist is the best place to begin so you can have a professional really tell you what’s going on with your teeth. In some cases, several types of treatments are viable options. Here are some of the most versatile solutions you’ll find.

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Have an Unhappy Valentine’s Day? 5 Reasons Your Teeth May Be to Blame

valentine's day smile makeoverIf you were home alone on Valentine’s Day – and you weren’t happy about it – then it’s time to figure out if your teeth are preventing you from finding love. When you’re honest with yourself, you know the hang-ups that are holding you back from accepting a date with someone new, or putting yourself out there on dating sites. Quite often, it’s a person’s appearance that prevents them from saying yes to opportunities for finding love. If you’re seeking a way to “better” yourself, put time and energy where it will really make a difference – aesthetically and emotionally – invest in a smile makeover.

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From CEO to Student to Busy Parent, Invisalign Fits Your Lifestyle

Invisalign successOne of the biggest reasons people drag their feet about aligning their smile is because they think they don’t have time to go through orthodontic treatment. Invisalign, however, has eliminated the tediousness of traditional metal braces and opened up orthodontia to demographics that may have otherwise considered themselves in the wrong stage of life to perfect their smile. In today’s society, orthodontics are hardly reserved for teens alone.

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How Celeb Smiles Influence Dental Trends

justin bieber invisalignCelebrities are not “regular” people. They have stylists, makeup artists, chauffeurs, Oscars, and Emmys. They have mansions and private islands and multi-million-dollar salaries. But while the lives of celebrities may not resemble the typical person’s daily life, there is one element that famous people have to tend to just like everyone else – their oral health. Stars want to make sure they’re looking good when the paparazzi pops out or the red carpet calls, and celeb smiles reflect their investment in their best asset. And what celebs do, regular people want to do – and, in the case of the all-important smile, that’s a trend worth emulating.

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Addressing the Unique Dental Needs of Baby Boomers

baby boomer dental needsLife expectancy is far better than it used to be. We’re living about three decades longer than previous generations – and that means we want our teeth to stick around for the long haul too. It used to be that when people reached a certain age they resigned themselves to a future of dentures. While some people do use dentures successfully – and this option has come a long way in recent years as a smile solution – there are other cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry solutions that are permanent and just as life-changing, making those extra years you have to live far more fun and carefree.

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Put Your Best Face Forward in 2016: A Smile Makeover for the New Year

smile makeover new yearWhether you’re the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions or not, as the year comes to a close you will no doubt find yourself reflecting on what has passed and what’s ahead. And maybe you’ll think, “Huh, I could do something about that,” but will you? Going to the gym is great, and so is vowing to eat better and be kinder. But there is one amazing change you can make for yourself that will be permanent and have a positive effect on all aspects of your life: a smile makeover.

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