Patricia C

stunning smile makeover patricia

This is my patient Patricia. She came to see me with complaint of not showing any teeth when she smiles. She went to see several different dentists who couldn’t help her. These dentists told her that she needed crowns but she did not want this option. She did her research online for 6 months and decided to come see me for veneers because she wanted something less invasive.

I was able to accomplish this amazing smile makeover in 3 visits, since she lives out of state I opened up her bite, lengthened her teeth, and widened her smile. And for those of you who were wondering if she had any type of lip or jaw surgery, she did not. I did all of this with 12 porcelain veneers and 16 onlay veneers. The final results are absolutely stunning and Patricia loves her beautiful new smile! She has been getting lots of compliments on her smile from family, friends, and co-workers.

Kelly W

kelly smile makeover minimal prep veneers

Kelly was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to discolored, misaligned, stained and short teeth. She had old bondings that didn’t look natural and were worn down. She wanted a fuller, whiter, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile with 12 minimal prep porcelain veneers. She was very happy with her new smile and this smile transformation is now brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster. After her smile makeover, she received lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers and they said her smile looks stunningly natural. Her beautiful new smile complements her face and increased her self-confidence. She loves the final results.

Brooke W

Brooke W Face After Smile Makeover 220x256

Brooke was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to the short length of her teeth. Her chief complaint was that when she smiles, she is not showing enough teeth. She displayed very short, discolored, and worn down teeth. Also, she lost most of her enamel due to grinding of the teeth which caused her to have a “reverse smile” effect.

She wanted whiter, brighter, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile with 12 super minimal prep porcelain veneers. She was very happy with her new smile. Her smile is now wider, longer, brighter, and more balanced. This is definitely a confidence booster!

Look at the dramatic difference!

Maura K

Maura K Face After Smile Makeover 220x256

Maura was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile. Her teeth were discolored, misaligned, worn down and she wanted a brighter, whiter, straighter smile. She is a public speaker and she wanted to boost her confidence when she’s on camera and when lecturing nationally in front of thousands of people. I gave her a dazzling smile with 24 minimal prep porcelain veneers and 1 implant crown. After her smile makeover, she received lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers and they said her smile looks stunningly natural. Her beautiful new smile complements her face and increased her self-confidence. She absolutely loves the final results.

Justina D

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Justina was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to discoloration, misalignment, gummy smile, bad bite (cross bite), and short length of her teeth. She had 2 old faulty anterior porcelain crowns with open margins and cavities, and a narrow arch with negative spaces. She wanted whiter, fuller, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile with 10 minimal prep porcelain veneers and 2 replacement porcelain crowns. She was very happy with her new smile. The teeth are brighter and longer, and her midline and bite were improved. Her smile was widened and is now more balanced. This gorgeous new smile is definitely a confidence booster.

Gabriela S

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Gabriela was unhappy with her smile and wanted to improve it. Gabriela‘s old smile did not fit her beautiful and wonderful personality. She had multiple gaps between her teeth. Her teeth were misaligned, dark, and discolored. The irregular size of her teeth were not proportional to her face. After initial consultation, she had an accident where she had fractured the front left lateral incisor. This fractured tooth was then extracted.

I was able to close the gaps between her teeth, add some length and made her teeth proportional to her features. I was able to give her a broader, whiter, and brighter smile with 7 minimum prep porcelain veneers and a 3 units porcelain bridge. She loves her final smile transformation and she gets lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers.

Antonia A

Antonia A Face After Smile Makeover 220x256

I gave this patient a big boost of confidence with 12 minimal prep porcelain veneers. Antonia was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to discoloration, misalignment, and short length of her teeth. She wanted whiter, brighter, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile transformation which she was proud to show off. She was very happy with her new smile. This smile transformation is now wider, brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster.

Linda C

Linda was referred to me by her husband whom I did a smile makeover on. Linda flew in from Tampa, Florida to see me and wanted to see how I can improve her smile. She was always embarrassed about her smile and hated her broken–down, discolored, misaligned, and short teeth. She always dreamed of having longer, whiter, and brighter teeth to fix her smile.

I gave her an amazing smile with 10 minimal prep porcelain veneers. This smile transformation is now wider, brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster. She was very happy with her new smile and the beautiful results. Her dazzling new smile brightens up her face and she gets lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers.

Lindsay L

Lindsay L After 220x256C

Lindsay had very short, small, and stained teeth that she was embarrassed about. She wasn’t happy with her smile because of the dullness, discoloration of her teeth and old dark bondings. She realized this when she was looking at vacation pictures and wanted a change. We were able to give her a new, fuller, brighter, and natural looking smile with 12 porcelain veneers. She is so ecstatic about her new smile and gets lots of compliments.

Sandra R

Sandra R After Smile Makeover 220x256

Sandra was not happy with how her smile looked and felt self-conscious. She was always embarrassed to smile and was also concerned about the health of her teeth. She was dissatisfied with her smile because her teeth were dark, stained, crooked, and worn down. She had missing teeth, a lot of decay, old faulty dark bondings, an uneven smile, and an underbite. Also, her dental midline was severely off. She wanted a beautiful, healthy, brighter, and whiter new smile so that she can regain her confidence both professionally and personally.

She wanted a smile makeover to fix all of these problems. I gave her a gorgeous whiter and brighter smile with porcelain bridges, porcelain crowns, and porcelain veneers. I rejuvenated her smile, made her look younger, and now her beautiful smile complements her face. At the same time, I was able to restore her function and health.

Her brand new smile increased her self-confidence and it shows in the after photo – she looks much younger and rejuvenated. Sandra loves her new beautiful dazzling smile and is now proud to show it off. She looks amazing and gets compliments on her beautiful smile all the time!

James C

James C After 220x256B

James had a chief complaint that when he smiles, he is not showing that many teeth and he was embarrassed about it. James displayed very short, discolored, and worn down teeth. Also, he lost most of his enamel due to grinding of his teeth. He lost a lot of vertical dimension which caused him to have a “reverse smile” effect. By using porcelain veneers and onlay veneers, we were able to open his bite and lengthen his teeth. This therefore improved his function, health, and esthetics. We were able to address his chief complaint and gave him an amazing outcome!

Ying Z

Yvonne had always struggled with the aesthetics of her smile. She didn’t like the gaps between her teeth. Also, she didn’t like the shape and size of her teeth as well; especially the 2 small, narrow, irregular-size lateral incisors. 

I gave her a natural smile with 6 super minimal prep porcelain veneers. Her new smile improved her overall self-confidence and she loves her new smile makeover. Now she gets compliments on her beautiful smile all the time!