Valentina came to see me because she was extremely unhappy with her smile. She didn’t like how her smile looked and felt self-conscious. She disliked her short, crooked, irregularly shaped, and discolored teeth. Valentina is missing an upper front left lateral incisor and therefore the upper front left canine moved into its position. She had spacing issues, improper bite, and tooth size discrepancies.
She had an uneven smile where one side of her smile is a lot longer than the other side and slopes down the left side. She had retained baby teeth that were decayed and infected and they were in the wrong position. She felt that her teeth were small and wanted bigger teeth.
These problems have been bothering her for many years and previous dentists told her they couldn’t help her. The decay and infected retained baby teeth were extracted by and she didn’t want dental implants. She also refused braces.
She desperately wanted my help to improve her smile. In light all of this, I had a challenging case on my hands. I reshaped her canine to look like a lateral incisor and reshaped her 1st premolar to look like a canine. Also, I was able to close the spaces between her teeth, improve her bite, resize her teeth and correct the uneven smile. I gave her a beautiful smile by using porcelain veneers and porcelain bridges.
She was very happy with her final smile makeover. Her dazzling new smile complements and brightens her face. She loves her final smile transformation and gets a lot of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers.

Slide the blue tab to the left or right to view the before and after images.
- Bad Bite
- Cavities
- Discolored Teeth
- Misaligned Teeth
- Missing Teeth
- Narrow Upper Arch
- Old Faulty Fillings
- Short Small Teeth
- Spaces Between Teeth
- Teeth Not Proportional
- Tooth In Wrong Position
- Uneven Smile
- Porcelain Bridges
- Porcelain Veneers
- Smile Makeover
- Tooth-Colored Fillings