Aging gracefully is a tall order, especially if every time you look in the mirror all you see are jowls or a broken-down smile. One of the toughest things to accept about aging is that there is often nothing you can do to combat the problems you face. This reality isn’t true, however, when it comes to your smile. A smile makeover can revitalize your appearance and make you look years younger.
Want to Be a Celeb? Get a Smile Makeover in Manhattan
Every day, people come to New York City hoping to get their start in entertainment, film, news, modeling, or theatre. For so many, the concern is that they don’t look right. Too thin, too heavy. Too exotic, too traditional. Too normal, not normal enough. Your teeth play a role in the success or failure of your entertainment career. A smile makeover can be the element that gets you noticed, cast, and in front of audiences. A smile can make or break your celeb status.
Baby Boomer Oral Health: The Good, the Bad, and the Treatable
The Baby Boomer generation is living longer thanks to healthier lifestyles and access to better and more frequent health care. The majority of this demographic will also keep their natural teeth throughout their entire lifetime, due in part to benefits such as water fluoridation and fluoride toothpaste (brushing and flossing daily doesn’t hurt either). Nevertheless, living longer means a greater risk of developing oral health problems.
5 Ways to Show Your Smile Some Love
Instead of being overly concerned about what expressions of love you may or may not receive from that special someone in your life on February 14, figure out how to make Valentine’s Day a success on your own. If you feel like you’re just not representing yourself in the best way, ask yourself if it’s because you’re ashamed of your smile. Are you worried about how people perceive you when you open your mouth? Whether you’re single or married, dating or divorced, your smile matters, and the state of your smile affects how you present yourself to others.
Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei Honored with New York Top Dentist Award for 2017
Manhattan cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei has received the honor of being named New York Top Dentist for 2017. This merit-based award, given by the Top Dentists Division of USA Top Docs, is bestowed upon a dental professional who has undergone a rigorous review process by the Top Docs staff, including a comprehensive qualification questionnaire, research, and an in-depth screening process.
Celebs Who Are Famous for Not Getting a Smile Makeover
Actors, musicians, professional athletes – they want to be known for their talents, not their appearance, right? Maybe, maybe not. Some celebs choose to live with the smiles they have rather than alter their look too dramatically with a smile makeover. Others are so well-known for their not-so-perfect teeth that changing their look after years in the spotlight could actually harm rather than help their career.
Staging Is Everything: Disguise Imperfections with a Gorgeous Smile
Think of your smile like interior design or home staging. The room may be cramped, the furniture worn, the lighting too dark, but if the focal point of the room is spectacular, then the whole place just seems to look complete. Even if you’re sporting a few extra pounds, could use a new hairstyle, or feel like your wardrobe needs a serious overhaul, your teeth can make you appear completely pulled together. Achieve that sweet spot with a smile makeover.
Become a Selfie Star with a Smile Makeover
Maybe you don’t make a living through social media like some Kardashians celebrities. Then again, maybe you do. Whether your name is big or small in the game of Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or YouTube, if any portion of your livelihood comes from internet traffic, likes, follows, or subscribers, then it matters how your smile looks.
Teeth Whitening Methods Approved by Your Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist
There are plenty of ways to whiten your teeth. Some people attempt trendy “natural” methods, like charcoal or strawberry pulp (neither is advisable) that do more harm than good. Over-the-counter whitening treatments can be effective, but it’s easy to abuse these products when you want your teeth to be white and you want it quickly. Any unsanctioned method of whitening can damage tooth enamel. Thankfully, safe and effective cosmetic dentistry options abound when it comes to brightening up your smile.
Preventive Dentistry: Don’t Let Your Smile Get Scrooged by Holiday Sweets
It’s that time of year when sweets abound. Whatever holiday you celebrate, there is good chance you will be in the presence of a smorgasbord of sweet treats at one point or another. Maybe you’ll be faced with choices at the office holiday party, a family get-together, a raucous gathering of friends, or a New Year’s celebration. All you need to know is that plenty of those delicious and tempting treats can do a serious number on your enamel, your teeth, and your smile as a whole (not to mention your waistline).
Your Smile Makeover Resolution for the New Year
Even if you’re someone who doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, or you think those whispers to yourself or declarations to all who will listen are just a set-up for failure, we implore you to give resolutions another chance. This time, make a promise to yourself that involves becoming a better you – and opt for the one thing that is guaranteed to make you look happier, healthier, younger, and better: a smile makeover.
Is Your Smile Ready for Love? 5 Reasons You Need a Smile Makeover
When the holidays roll around, one of the things single people often focus on is their relationship status, or lack thereof. This is a time of year when people take stock of their lives, where they’re going, where they’ve been, where they want to be – and who they want to be doing all of these things with. However, if you’re alone in Manhattan, the biggest contemplation might be, “What’s wrong with me?” Have you ever taken the time to consider if your smile is holding you back from finding love?