Want to give your cast, crew, office mates, contractors, or valued employees a truly memorable bonus this year? Give them the gift of cosmetic dentistry – specifically, professional teeth whitening. When you live in Manhattan, your appearance matters no matter what industry you work in. If you’re the boss, consider shelving the chocolates this year and giving teeth whitening treatments instead.
8 Fast Facts About Porcelain Veneers
If you’re thinking about getting a smile makeover using porcelain veneers, it’s important to do your research and learn all you can about this popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. Without a doubt, veneers are one of the most powerful ways to transform your smile and overall appearance. Take the time to determine whether this is the right treatment for you.
Two Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Gummy Smile
Gummy smiles are usually born, not made. If you have enlarged gums, poorly erupted teeth, an overgrown upper jaw, or a short or high upper lip, you may feel like there is nothing that can be done to alter your appearance. Not true! There are two powerful cosmetic dentistry treatments that, separately or combined, can transform your smile so it’s proportional and beautiful.
5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Cosmetic Dentistry
Anyone who has ever gotten cosmetic dentistry is thankful for it (well, as long as they’ve worked with an experienced and talented NYC cosmetic dentist). They know the many benefits of upgrading the appearance of their teeth. If you’re on the fence about getting a smile makeover, it’s time to know what this kind of dental work can do for you.
Get a Smile Makeover for When the Masks Come Off
Eventually, life will get back to normal. Eventually, your mouth will be visible all day every day. What kind of smile will you reveal to others? You may be hiding out now and covering up half your face for a while, but your smile still matters. Are you proud of what’s under your mask? Or do you need an upgrade? There is no better time to invest in a smile makeover that’s customized just for you.
Get a Perfect Smile and Find the Perfect Love
It’s that time of year when people are thinking about the holidays ahead and whether they will have a special someone to share these important dates with. If you are having difficulty finding a love match, there comes a time to ask yourself why. Maybe you have it all together – fulfilling job, great friends, comfortable home – but the one thing that’s missing is satisfaction with your appearance. Get a perfect smile and you may just find that nothing can hold you back from love.
Halloween Candy Could Ruin Your Perfect Smile
Bad behavior on Halloween could ruin the perfect smile, whether you’ve invested in cosmetic dentistry and a smile makeover, or you simply have a great natural smile. Find out how to keep your teeth healthy and strong so you don’t find yourself visiting your Manhattan cosmetic dentist immediately after Halloween for repairs.
Haunted by Bad Teeth? Perfect Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry
Some people pop in funky, fake teeth at Halloween to complete their costume. Other people put in fake teeth to try to perfect a smile that is broken-down, unsightly, or just plain embarrassing. You can dress up like a VIP every Halloween – no plastic fangs needed – when you choose cosmetic dentistry to elevate your smile.
4 Ways to Make Your Smile Look Better on Zoom Calls
Good lighting and a strategic camera angle can only do so much for your appearance on your Zoom calls. It’s easy to hide some flaws when you’re only revealing a head shot at every meeting, while other elements of your appearance will be heightened – namely, your smile. Find out what cosmetic dentistry can do to make your teeth look better on every video call.
You’re Never Too Old for a Smile Makeover
Talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford recently made headlines when she said, “I’m just looking for a guy that’s got real teeth.” The 67-year-old claims to still have her own teeth, but no one should be out of the running for love just because of their teeth. If you’re living with a broken-down smile, it’s time to learn about the incredible dental restorations that can create a natural-looking smile makeover.
Be a Super Senior with These 3 Restorative Dentistry Procedures
Reaching senior status is an achievement. You’ve lived through so many decades and experienced so many things – and your teeth have been there for the entire ride. As such, your oral health may be breaking down because of wear and tear, illness, or poor dental care. It’s never too late to be your best self. With targeted restorative dentistry treatments, your smile can beautifully represent the amazing age and wisdom you have reached.
How Long Does It Take to Get Porcelain Veneers?
If you’re looking for a superfast smile makeover, teeth whitening or cosmetic tooth bonding are speedy treatments that can correct small imperfections in an hour or less. If you want a perfect smile that will last for decades and transform all your teeth – and your entire appearance – it’s time to learn about how long it takes to get porcelain veneers.