4 Signs It’s Time to Get Porcelain Veneers

ready for porcelain veneers nyc cosmetic dentist dr michael j wei

ready for porcelain veneers nyc cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiThe people who get porcelain veneers have thought long and hard about their decision. They have elected to make the investment in this cosmetic dentistry because they know the result will pay dividends. Everyone who ultimately settles on veneers, however, gets there on their own timeline. Sometimes it’s obvious that veneers are the way to go, sometimes you need a little more convincing. Here are just some of the signs it’s time to get porcelain veneers.

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Why a Perfect Smile Makes You a Better Job Candidate

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j wei

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j weiPutting a photo on your resume or cover letter is not the norm in the United States (unless, of course, you have the kind of job that requires head shots, and so many people in NYC do). After all, your ability to do good work technically has nothing to do with your appearance – and, yet, it does. So, what does your smile say about you? Will your teeth help or hurt your chances of landing an interview, or do you need to upgrade to a perfect smile?

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Want a Perfect Match? Get a Perfect Smile

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentist

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentistHunting for the perfect match this Valentine’s Day? February 14 is an intimidating and pressure-filled holiday that can make single folks feel like they have a deadline to meet. Your cosmetic dentist knows that perfection takes time, but it’s always worth the wait, whether you’re talking perfect smile or perfect love. One thing is for certain: If you upgrade your smile, you’ll look that much better and be that much closer to finding the perfect match.

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Veneers That Don’t Damage Your Real Teeth

veneers do not damage real teeth nyc cosmetic dentist

veneers do not damage real teeth nyc cosmetic dentistIf you know anything about porcelain veneers, you know some forms of this smile makeover require the removal of healthy tooth enamel. The result is flawless, smooth, natural-looking teeth, but the permanent undoing of tooth enamel can make some people pause. The good news: You can have a gorgeous smile without being limited to traditional veneers alone. If you want to upgrade your smile without dramatically altering your real teeth underneath in the process, there are other types of veneers to consider for your perfect smile.

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Ranking the Perfect Smiles of 2020 Oscar Nominees

charlize theron perfect smile porcelain veneers nyc cosmetic dentist

charlize theron perfect smile porcelain veneers nyc cosmetic dentistOscar nominees believe in their own uniqueness, whether that means they have a perfect smile or not. Some of them take full advantage of the cosmetic dentistry options available to them and pursue a flawless, straight, white smile. Others embrace what dental DNA has given them and make it work. If you want a perfect smile, you can have it from your NYC cosmetic dentist – but it sure is fun to critique what the stars are sporting.

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4 Problems Porcelain Veneers Can Fix

problems porcelain veneers fix nyc cosmetic dentist

problems porcelain veneers fix nyc cosmetic dentistFar too many people live unhappily with their smile because they think there is nothing that can be done to change it. The reality is this: No matter what is wrong with your teeth and smile, it can be fixed. Yes, every aesthetic dental complaint has a solution. All you need is the right Manhattan cosmetic dentist to guide you. For many patients, porcelain veneers are the one procedure they need to get a permanent VIP smile and the confidence that goes with it.

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2020: The Year of the Smile Makeover

2020 smile makeover year dr michael j wei nycWhat is your vision for 2020? Are you looking for job security, love, or just simply happiness? As it so happens, a stunning smile makeover can help you achieve all these things. First, you must create your vision for the new you in the new year. Don’t wait – develop your must-have smile wish list now and share it with your NYC cosmetic dentist. A new year, a new decade – 2020 is the time for smiles to shine.

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