Rido D

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What an incredible smile transformation. I really love how this is life-changing.

My patient Rido had not been to the dentist in 25 years and smokes 1 pack a day. He said his wife hadn’t kissed him in over 25 years because of his teeth. He had fears about going to the dentist ever since he had a bad experience as a kid. His wife is a patient of mine and she was the one who encouraged him to come in and see me.

I was able to effectively communicate with him and earn his trust in me. I walked him through the treatment plan and explained to him step by step what I needed to do to restore his dental health.

I did a full mouth reconstruction on him. Amazingly enough, I was able to restore all his upper teeth with porcelain crowns without having to do any root canals or extractions in the upper teeth. When he came back for a check-up, he told me that he quit smoking, had started eating better and exercising, and had lost some weight. The smile makeover gave him a huge boost of confidence and now he has a much brighter outlook on life.

He told me that he can’t believe all the compliments he has been receiving daily. He thought this would never happen to him and how a healthy and gorgeous smile can make a difference. He is enjoying his life more now and his wife had started kissing him again. He expressed so much gratitude to me for what I did for him.

It’s really wonderful to witness such a dramatic life transformation in a person. I’m grateful when I have an opportunity like this where I get to change people’s lives.

Hillary D

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Hillary never liked her smile and was always embarrassed to smile. She didn’t like her porcelain veneers that were done by another dentist a year ago. She wanted me to replace them with better porcelain veneers. She wanted a beautiful new smile so that she can regain her confidence both professionally and personally.

She told me that she was researching for 6 months to decide who was the best doctor to fix her problems. She found me and felt that I was the best person to do the job. I gave her a gorgeous, whiter, and brighter smile with 12 porcelain veneers. Her new smile is now wider, brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster. She now loves her new beautiful dazzling smile and is proud to show it off.

I am so glad that I was able to help her with her smile and that she had put her trust in me.

Daniel C

daniel smile makeover

My patient Dan hated his teeth. As you can see, they are terribly discolored, broken down, decayed, and pitted. He was always sensitive to hot and cold exposures due to the enamel defects and he had continuous pain because of exposed dentin. I diagnosed him with Amelogenesis Imperfecta. It is a disorder that can be inherited and it affects the structure and appearance of the enamel of the teeth. This condition causes teeth to be very small, discolored, grooved or pitted, and prone to rapid wear and breakage with early tooth decay and tooth loss. Common treatments to address form and function include dental veneers, full dental crowns, or when existing teeth are unsalvageable, complete dental replacement therapy.

Dan went to several dentists who couldn’t help him because they didn’t know what condition he has. Therefore, he was researching for 8 months and finally found me. In this case, I was able to restore him with 12 anterior porcelain veneers and 12 posterior porcelain crowns. I restored his function and health and gave him an amazing smile makeover. He said it is truly life-changing and he is now no longer embarrassed to smile in public.

It is not often that I see this type of congenital disorder in my office. I am so happy and blessed that I was able to help this young man and change his life for the better. Seeing him happy brings me a lot of joy.

Kelly W

kelly smile makeover minimal prep veneers

Kelly was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to discolored, misaligned, stained and short teeth. She had old bondings that didn’t look natural and were worn down. She wanted a fuller, whiter, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile with 12 minimal prep porcelain veneers. She was very happy with her new smile and this smile transformation is now brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster. After her smile makeover, she received lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers and they said her smile looks stunningly natural. Her beautiful new smile complements her face and increased her self-confidence. She loves the final results.

Ewelina F

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Ewelina hated her broken–down, worn out, discolored, and misaligned teeth. She was always embarrassed about her smile and dreamed of having whiter and brighter teeth. She wanted the whitest shade for her veneers and therefore, I gave her an amazing smile based on her request. I did minimal prep porcelain veneers and her smile transformation is now wider, brighter, more balanced, and is definitely a confidence booster. She was very happy with her new smile and the beautiful results.

Alice X

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Alice was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile. Her teeth were discolored, misaligned, and not proportional, and she wanted a brighter, whiter, straighter smile to boost her confidence. I gave her a dazzling smile with 8 minimal prep porcelain veneers. After her smile makeover, she received lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers and they said her smile looks stunningly natural. Her beautiful new smile complements her face and increased her self-confidence. She loves the final results.

Justina D

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Justina was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile due to discoloration, misalignment, gummy smile, bad bite (cross bite), and short length of her teeth. She had 2 old faulty anterior porcelain crowns with open margins and cavities, and a narrow arch with negative spaces. She wanted whiter, fuller, straighter, and longer teeth. I gave her an amazing smile with 10 minimal prep porcelain veneers and 2 replacement porcelain crowns. She was very happy with her new smile. The teeth are brighter and longer, and her midline and bite were improved. Her smile was widened and is now more balanced. This gorgeous new smile is definitely a confidence booster.

Cynthia B

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Cynthia was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile. Since she is a cardiologist in her line of work and sees many patients, she wanted to improve her smile. Her teeth were discolored, misaligned, and not proportional, and she felt like her smile was uneven. This unevenness was due to the right side set of teeth being longer than the left side.

She wanted a brighter, whiter, straighter, and fuller smile to boost her confidence. I gave her a dazzling smile with 10 porcelain veneers. This beautiful new smile complements her face and she loves the final results. Her brand new smile increased her self-confidence and she tells me she gets lots of compliments from family, friends, and co-workers.

Gabrielle R

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Gabrielle was very unhappy with her smile because her teeth were dark, stained, and worn down. She was also dissatisfied with her smile because her teeth were chipped and she had white spots on her teeth. She also disliked the black space between her 2 front teeth. Additionally, she grinds her teeth at night which caused her to have muscle and joint pain in her jaw (Temporomandibular disorder-TMD). She came to me for help and wanted a more beautiful and healthy smile so that she can regain her confidence and to also be out of pain.

I gave her a gorgeous smile with 10 super minimum prep porcelain veneers. I made her teeth whiter, broader, and fuller. I also made her a night guard which helped relieve the pain from grinding. At the same time, I was able to restore her function and health by establishing a proper occlusion.

She said the entire process was seamless and that I gave her the exact color she wanted. She says she is “obsessed” with her new smile and gets lot of compliments. Her brand new smile increased her self-confidence and now she loves her new dazzling smile!

Helena R

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Helena came to see me because she was not happy with the aesthetics of her smile. She refused orthodontic treatment due to time constraint and the uncomfortable and painful process. Her teeth were crooked, discolored, misaligned, rotated, and uneven. She wanted a brighter, whiter, and straighter smile to boost her confidence. This was crucial due to her career in the fashion industry.

I gave her a dazzling new smile with 20 porcelain veneers, all completed in 3 visits. She was very happy with her new smile and this gave her the boost of confidence that she needed. She was extremely satisfied with her amazing smile transformation! She told me that she loves how natural and beautiful her smile looks. Even her friends and co-workers could not believe that these were veneers because they look so natural and real.

Angel W

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Angel never liked her smile and was always embarrassed to smile. She didn’t like her porcelain veneers that were done by another dentist in Taiwan 4 years ago. The old faulty veneers had decay, a chip, and open margins around the gum line. She told me that she was researching for 1 year and decided that I was the best cosmetic dentist to fix her problems. She found me and felt that I was the best person to do the job. She wanted longer, whiter, and brighter teeth to fix her smile. I replaced 8 upper and 8 lower porcelain veneers to build out her smile. Her smile is now rejuvenated and at the same time, her function and health have been restored. She now loves her new beautiful dazzling smile and is proud to show it off.

Maria P

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Michelle never liked her smile and was always embarrassed to smile. She had broken porcelain veneers with decay and had a worn out slanted smile. She wanted a beautiful, healthy new smile so that she can regain her confidence both professionally and personally.

She told me that she was researching for 6 months to decide who was the best doctor to fix her problems. She found me and felt I was the best person to do the job.

I gave her a gorgeous, whiter, and brighter smile with 10 porcelain veneers. I rejuvenated her smile and at the same time, I was able to restore her function and health. She now loves her new beautiful dazzling smile and is proud to show it off.

I am so glad that I was able to help her with her smile and that she had the confidence to put her trust in me.