Why a Perfect Smile Makes You a Better Job Candidate

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j wei

perfect smile nyc job candidate dr michael j weiPutting a photo on your resume or cover letter is not the norm in the United States (unless, of course, you have the kind of job that requires head shots, and so many people in NYC do). After all, your ability to do good work technically has nothing to do with your appearance – and, yet, it does. So, what does your smile say about you? Will your teeth help or hurt your chances of landing an interview, or do you need to upgrade to a perfect smile?

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Want a Perfect Match? Get a Perfect Smile

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentist

perfect smile perfect match new york city cosmetic dentistHunting for the perfect match this Valentine’s Day? February 14 is an intimidating and pressure-filled holiday that can make single folks feel like they have a deadline to meet. Your cosmetic dentist knows that perfection takes time, but it’s always worth the wait, whether you’re talking perfect smile or perfect love. One thing is for certain: If you upgrade your smile, you’ll look that much better and be that much closer to finding the perfect match.

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Ranking the Perfect Smiles of 2020 Oscar Nominees

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charlize theron perfect smile porcelain veneers nyc cosmetic dentistOscar nominees believe in their own uniqueness, whether that means they have a perfect smile or not. Some of them take full advantage of the cosmetic dentistry options available to them and pursue a flawless, straight, white smile. Others embrace what dental DNA has given them and make it work. If you want a perfect smile, you can have it from your NYC cosmetic dentist – but it sure is fun to critique what the stars are sporting.

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Your Perfect Smile Is a Work of Art

perfect smile work of art dr michael j weiWhen you’re taking a selfie or sitting for a professional portrait, chances are you smile for most of them. Unless, of course, your teeth don’t look very good. Then, you’re probably making every expression possible to conceal what lurks in your mouth. You don’t have to live this way. A good smile is subjective, but a perfect smile is undeniable, and a perfect smile makes nearly every picture better.

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Maintain a Perfect Smile in a Starbucks World

perfect smile nyc starbucksWhether your go-to drink at Starbucks is a salted caramel mocha or an espresso, an iced caramel macchiato or a funky-flavored frappucino, every time your teeth take a coffee bath they’re getting hit with stains. Diehard coffee drinkers need their NYC Starbucks – but how do you keep a perfect smile when you’re constantly feeding your craving for a caffeine fix? There are several cosmetic dentistry solutions that let you have your Starbucks and beautiful teeth too.

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Cast Your Vote for a Perfect Smile

vote for perfect smile manhattanThe midterm election is over, but you and your New York City cosmetic dentist can work together in a bipartisan effort to create the perfect smile. Every dental procedure is appropriate for every party, whether you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or otherwise. A perfect smile transcends the political, because your teeth are one thing that you can absolutely fix, and the only vote that matters is your own.

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Get a Perfect Smile or It Will Haunt You Forever

perfect smile new york city cosmetic dentistWhen you look back at photos from the big moments in your life, do you have any regrets? Maybe you wish you were thinner, had different hair, wore more stylish clothes or, most of all, had better teeth. Do you still have subpar teeth now? You don’t have to keep them. That perfect smile can be achieved with cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and a personalized smile makeover.

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A Perfect Smile Matters, Especially in Manhattan

perfect smile in manhattanFor some people, being a New Yorker is about the ability to blend in, while others are looking for a platform to stand out. There are Manhattanites who revel in the permission to be themselves without judgment. And there are NYC residents who believe that how you look makes all the difference between success and failure, whether socially, professionally, or personally. Whatever category you fit into, there is one element of who you are that works across the board – a perfect smile.

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