Cosmetic Dentistry Will Make Your Influencer Status Skyrocket

influencer cosmetic dentistry dr michael j wei

influencer cosmetic dentistry dr michael j weiWhether you are an established influencer, aspiring influencer, or just aiming to entertain the masses who follow you, how you look affects your popularity on social media. If you invest in cosmetic dentistry, perfect teeth will make you stand out among your competitors and peers. You’ll not only be known for your talents and cleverness, you’ll be known for your stunning smile.

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Microthin Veneers: The Conservative Approach to a Perfect Smile

conservative smile makeover microthin veneers dr wei nyc

conservative smile makeover microthin veneers dr wei nycVeneers conceal everything a person dislikes about their smile, from chips and cracks to stains and discoloration, gaps and misalignment to short teeth and excess gums. Yes, one cosmetic dentistry treatment can do all that and more. Many people drag their feet about getting veneers though because they’re worried about the invasiveness of the procedure. Worry no longer – it’s time to talk Microthin veneers.

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The Ultimate Fix for Short Teeth and a Gummy Smile

short teeth gummy smile dr michael j wei nyc cosmetic dentist

short teeth gummy smile dr michael j wei nyc cosmetic dentistPeople who are unhappy with their gummy smile are typically living with short teeth too. An excess of gum tissue covers up tooth enamel, making a smile look juvenile and incomplete. When you work with an experienced cosmetic dentist who has an exceptional eye for symmetry and design, you can change these unwanted characteristics and get the ultimate fix for a big, white, beautiful smile.

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2 Easy Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Fill the Gaps in Your Smile

fix tooth gaps cosmetic dentistry dr michael j wei

fix tooth gaps cosmetic dentistry dr michael j weiPeople who have a noticeable gap in their smile typically fall into one of two camps – they hate the characteristic, or they fully embrace it. If you fall into the first group and wish you had a flawless, straight, complete smile, you can achieve it with customized cosmetic dentistry. There are multiple dental procedures that can give you the look you want, but two of the most common and most reliable options are porcelain veneers and cosmetic tooth bonding.

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How Many Microthin Veneers Do I Need?

how many Microthin veneers dr michael j wei

how many Microthin veneers dr michael j weiEveryone’s smile makeover is different. Even if 10 patients are getting Microthin veneers, they will all have unique variations on the formula, which involves the color, size, shape, length, and translucency of each veneer. One other major detail that varies – how many veneers a patient gets. It’s up to you and your NYC dentist to determine what number is right for your new smile.

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Get a Smile Makeover Before the Holidays

smile makeover holidays dr michael j wei

smile makeover holidays dr michael j weiThere is a plenty of gift-buying going on right now, and you want to make your list and check it twice. Just don’t forget to put your own name on that list too, because sometimes the most important gift is the one you give yourself. It’s been a hard year, and everyone has felt the pressure in some way. Now is an excellent opportunity to give yourself a smile makeover and boost your self-esteem and overall appearance, just in time for the holidays.

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NYC Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Mike Wei Reaches 100K Instagram Followers

NYC cosmetic dentist DrMikeWei Instagram 100K followers

NYC cosmetic dentist DrMikeWei Instagram 100K followersIf you haven’t visited Dr. Mike Wei’s Instagram page, it’s time to check it out and see why over 100,000 people have become his devoted followers on this popular social media platform. Instagram is the ideal place for visual transformations. It is captivating to watch the many smile makeovers that Dr. Wei has created, to see before-and-after photos, and to witness the stunning smile transformations that change peoples’ lives.

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Get Teeth Whitening in Time for Your Big Event

teeth whitening big event nyc cosmetic dentist dr michael j wei

teeth whitening big event nyc cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiSpecial occasions call for special preparations. You may get new clothes, a fresh cut and color, and fun accessories, but don’t forget one very important thing – a whiter smile. No matter how you’re dressed or where you’re going, if your teeth are shining white, they will look flawless (even if they’re not) and you’ll look your very best too. Find out if teeth whitening is right for you.

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